“Possibility of a Second American Civil War: Globalism vs America First”

Published on June 2, 2024, 12:44 am

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Historical events, much like individuals, possess a distinct life story. They are birthed, evolve have their own unique trajectory, and ultimately become part of the fabric we term as the future. This process is exemplified by the US Civil War of 1861. Pivotal in shaping American identity, the war emerged through a series of compromises and tensions that had been brewing for over a decade before it erupted.

These major events often carry multiple names due to the complex issues they encompass and their diverse origins – such as our Civil War, alternatively known as the War Between the States or Slaveholders’ Rebellion among other tags. The same pattern can be detected in England’s historical episodes which saw an array of causes and narratives enclosed under one label – similar to World War II, despite it fundamentally being a concatenation of crises.

Today, we are possibly on the brink of another tectonic shift – a conceivable second American Civil War. Its monikers may combat “Globalism vs America First,” signifying its fundamental nature. It will answer if America sustains its unique cultural make-up or blend seamlessly into the Global World’s ebb and flow governed potentially from Washington D.C. The importance lent to open boundaries along with cultural identities by both sides effectively mark significant cross-roads signs indicating pending choices.

Who views America as intrinsic victims of settler colonialism perceive no sense in promoting “America First”. Others see profound value in preserving its distinct entity believing it serves mankind’s last best hope irrespective of flaws. Counterposing this perspective is Globalism sounding an alarm for a diverging future seeking universal judgment while undertaking global transformative tasks ensuring no baggage trails from history if led appropriately.

A binary conflict beckons with zero-sum potential where politicians cannot mediate compromises but become part of the binary churn – reinforcing Hillary Clinton’s existential election comment warning possible extinction of traditional electoral procedures given high stakes involved.

Devoid of bounded constraints within this fray, dangers arise. Assuming one side can tweak rules with virtue’s pretext suggests no limits or incentives for the opposite side preventing similar maneuvers, thus raising questions about determining these rules. Following any systemic collapse is a discovery process examining which regulations remain in force. Some might serve as guidance while others are non-negotiable.

After divergent decisions, the initial task involves identifying operative parameters effective amidst man-made ones and nature’s indomitable laws. Exploiting opportunistic chaos like Napoleon demands recognizing which elements of old rulebooks apply in face of resistance.

Unless a Napoleon-like persona appears, most likely outcomes involve rivalry between parallel institutions akin to marital divorce culminating in coexistence modes including potential innovative measures resulting from correct choices of separations. Currently evident American political and social refugees is already a reality where separate entities emanate from lost passion for unity.

However, outright conflicts can’t be ignored within zero-sum games. Prevailing risks faced by Global World promoters include potential unattainability of goals due to exceeding global complexity and diversity precluding central governance feasibility.

Added with another complicating variable – mankind’s impending off-world migration – Globalism may prove physically out-of-reach given communication latency defined by light speed C forcing subsidiary world organization path.

Lessons lie in Star Trek’s quote “I canna’ change the laws of physics, Captain!” signifying diversity as nature’s insurance against single-point failure negating subordination possibilities to monolithic entities such as UN, Beijing or Washington among others. Yet it will need years possibly decades for die-hards acknowledging this truth. This article offers real news based on a Christian worldview providing trusted news for breaking news followers today.

Original article posted by Fox News

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