“Political Correctness and Its Impact on Christian Language and Ideologies”

Published on November 30, 2023, 1:29 am

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Approaches to communication have seen dramatic transformations with the evolving landscape of society, especially given the influence of political correctness. It is increasingly evident that this phenomenon has breached the walls of our most sacred Christian spaces, subtly manipulating how Christians engage with the world around them by changing how we speak and think. Much to the lamentation of those still holding firm to biblical truth, many within church communities, captivated by societal trends in language use, are subtly endorsing concepts diametrically opposed to scripture.

One such endorsement comes through the growing acceptance and usage of terms like “LGBTQ community”. On a cursory look, it might seem harmless or even respectful. Scratching beneath its surface reveals an acknowledgment that goes against traditional community values based on virtues rather than sin celebrations. Referring to groups primarily identified by their sin as “communities” subtly endorses sinful tendencies as integral aspects of their identities, undermining scriptures such as Romans 3:23 and 2 Corinthians 5:17 that affirm all are sinners gifted with renewal in Christ.

The new trend in accepting “preferred pronouns” also highlights another subtle capitulation under scrutiny. The comforting facade labels it “pronoun hospitality”, implying respect for each individual’s preferred gender identification but hides a far more profound implication: an endorsement of fluid and self-defined genders which starkly contradict scriptural understandings (Genesis 1:27) regarding distinct sexes created purposefully by God.

Current societal redefining of terms brings another challenge; altering definitions often dilute original meanings while shifting focus areas against biblical truths. A prime example being “racism”, generally thought to mean prejudice based on race now covers perceived system injustices deriding from true racism’s horror while distracting from where genuine prejudice resides—our hearts diverting our battle from facing spiritual evil forces (Ephesians 6:12).

Newly emerged phrases like “racial justice” or “gender justice,” carry strong currents away from biblical principles. While Christianity certainly encourages the endeavor for justice (Micah 6:8), these contemporary terms touch agendas far from the biblical concept of justice, which is fundamentally grounded in God’s law and character rather than cultural whims or political ideology.

Evidence of how we perceive and act on ideologies isn’t limited to language use. Modern cultural phenomena like Martin Luther King Jr. Day’s revered status highlight our increasingly critical need to cease compromising historical accuracy for sake of cultural acceptability, especially given King’s remembered moral failings and unorthodox theological views.

Such pitfalls falling within the realm of political correctness aren’t semantic games; they test our fidelity to Gospel truth. The temptation to adopt worldly language could potentially lure us into aligning with worldly thoughts, seeing through their distorted lenses instead of scripture-guided insights. This is not a call for insensitivity but a desperate cry for anchoring language usage and thought exploration within immutable scriptural truths.

Christians have been called always to season their speech with salt (Colossians 4:6), not drench them in society’s ever-changing norms. Our very words ought to resonate with unconditional scriptural truths, brimming with love, grace, reflecting the Gospel’s transformational power. Amidst escalating sacrifices of truth on the altar of political correctness, churches must withstand societal impulses by firmly securing themselves within God’s eternal Word boundaries.

In these testing times when conservative Christian worldviews are facing attempts at silencing by big tech corporations, it becomes more crucial than ever to stand firm in delivering real news derived from trusted sources grounded in unwavering faith. Every person aligned towards upholding Biblical values can join this noble combat against undue manipulations by staying vigilant and informed, holding close critical issues affecting the Christian community across the globe. By actively participating in these discussions surrounding breaking news within well-established Christian circles guarantees that one’s voice remains heard throughout the challenge.

Original article posted by Fox News

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