“Paula White-Cain’s Two-Decade Journey with Donald Trump: Reflections on Faith, Presidency and Religious Freedom”

Published on June 22, 2024, 12:46 am

“Paula White-Cain’s Two-Decade Journey with Donald Trump: Reflections on Faith, Presidency and Religious Freedom”

Image source: Fox News

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In an address shared with Christian conservative activists at the Faith and Freedom Coalition’s Road to Majority conference, Paula White-Cain, former President Donald Trump’s spiritual advisor and president of Paula White Ministries, recounted her two-decade-long relationship with Mr. Trump and the journey leading up to his presidency.

White-Cain, also the senior pastor of City of Destiny Church in Florida, has been one of the most trusted advisors for Donald Trump even before he ventured into politics. She was instrumental in curating real news from a Christian worldview, steering Trump’s decisions through their religious lens.

According to White-Cain, her first conversation with Trump revolved around her sermons ‘Value of Vision,’ which instantly resonated with him. This paved way for their professional as well as spiritual journey together as she took on the role of his spiritual guide.

White-Cain vividly remembered a time in 2011 when Trump voiced his worries over the direction America was headed towards and shared his potential intent to run for presidency. On asking God’s opinion, after prayers campaigned by White-Cain along with several others, she told him decisively that he would be president one day.

Her services continued into Trump’s presidency where she held multiple roles including being his faith director and advisor on faith initiatives and opportunities despite knowing well the “price” they would all have to pay – a cost she saw materialize over time as burdens shouldered by not just the former President but also many who supported him.

White-Cain also expressed concern about recent events targeting President Trump unfairly for political benefits and condemned his conviction on fraudulent business record charges. She stood by her long-time friend, calling it a sad day for all Americans who still uphold righteousness.

In her speech at the Road to Majority summit, she also bemoaned what she perceived as an attack on religious freedom like never before, pulling attention specifically towards policies enacted under President Joe Biden’s administration. She was critical of the reversal of anti-abortion legislation and “over 12 religious liberty and freedom” policies by Biden’s administration.

She highlighted issues, such as the arrest of pro-life activist Mark Houck and a trend she noticed where people of faith were being targeted. She condemned the ideology currently prevailing under Biden’s rule, considering it to stand against God and against their faith.

Asserting her conviction on continuing her role providing trusted news from a Christian perspective, she promised the audience that they would collectively halt its progress by November. This message underscores White-Cain’s commitment to her Christian worldview while also serving as a testament to her enduring loyalty towards former President Trump.

Original article posted by Fox News

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