“Pastor Tony Evans of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship Remarries Four Years After First Wife’s Demise”

Published on December 12, 2023, 2:57 am

“Pastor Tony Evans of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship Remarries Four Years After First Wife’s Demise”

Image source: Fox News

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In a heartfelt ceremony surrounded by close family and friends, Tony Evans, the renowned pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, recently wed Carla Crummie. This joyous milestone takes place four years after the unfortunate demise of his first wife, Lois Evans.

The happy news broke out via a social media post from Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship that was shared by Pastor Evans himself. “As we enter the celebratory Christmas season, we also celebrate the marriage announcement of our senior Pastor and his bride, Mrs. Carla Evans,” read the post alongside an endearing photograph of the newlyweds.

As believers uphold that marriage is an immaculate gift from God to his children, it brings great elation to see their beloved pastor being blessed in such a wonderful manner. The couple tied the knot in a private ceremony and are eagerly looking forward to continuing their service to God together.

Seventy-four-year-old Pastor Evans first revealed his engagement to Crummie to his congregation during his birthday celebration service at church in September. He recounted how he navigated through life’s highs and lows as singlehood prevailed until God directed Crummie into his life.

Crummie and her late husband were en route Lois’ funeral after which she tragically lost him too. Baring before his congregation this roller coaster journey bestowed upon him by life, Pastor Evans introduced his then-fiancĂ©e Carla Crummie.

At a loving yet sensitive juncture of their lives, they sought prayers from their fellowship members to sail through this new phase smoothly while honoring the memory of late Lois Evans who meant so much to them both as well as their community.

Pastor Evans had shared close to five decades of marital bliss with Lois before sorrow struck them with her passing away due to biliary cancer in late 2019. On reflecting about their time together in an interview with trusted news sources back in 2020, he reminisced how there was no aspect of his life untouched by the legacy Lois left behind.

Lois committed her life to Christ when she was merely nine years old. At fifteen, she pledged her loyalties to God and his service in whatever capacity he beckoned her. She was a substantial support system to Pastor Evans, even more so during their early days of church outreach and The Urban Alternative — an influential media ministry reaching millions worldwide, across more than 130 countries with over 1,400 radio outlets.

Lois’ ever-present footprints could be sensed not just in individual lives but also broadly within the church family as well as their ministry at large. Her absence has undeniably left an extensive void amongst all those who were touched by her services across years cementing more effectively the Christian worldview they professed.

Creating real news out of personal journeys and profound communal bonds like these continues to inspire many believers reinforcing trust amidst communities while constantly keeping faith in miracles that occur subtly around us.

Original article posted by Fox News

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