“Passion Conference: A Plea for Discernment Among Youth in Today’s Christian Faith”

Published on December 11, 2023, 12:53 am

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In an epoch characterized by rampant spiritual compromise and doctrinal erosion, it has become of paramount importance for the youth of Christian faith to exercise discernment, particularly when attending conferences and worship events beyond the precincts of local churches. One such event posing a substantial challenge to the immutability of biblical truth is the Passion Conference — an annual gathering targeted towards teens and young adults that’s been endorsed by well-known personalities like John Piper and Rick Warren while being shrouded in seeming Christian fellowship and worship.

Founded under the aegis of Louie Giglio, the Passion Conference positions itself as a large-scale, contemporary evangelical event with a colorful focus on individuals within their youth. Although it gets by presenting itself as a medium for spiritual revival and Christian bonding, it frequently forms an over-reliance on emotive experiences coupled with prevailing cultural trends at the expense of rooted biblical teachings. This creates a less concentrated version of gospel transformed into mass appeal centered around emotionalism and social activism.

The contentious issues surrounding this conference stem not only from its objectives but also from how they are carried out. With each passing year, speaker selection has shown disturbing leanings. The organization may have had charismatic speakers like Christine Caine from Hillsong or trendy figures like Levi Lusko; however, it consistently fails to articulate gospel’s purity with explicit calls for faith and repentance. It alternatively prefers promoting more accepting narratives focusing on temporary societal issues globally.

Primary concerns emerge from the conference’s tendency towards culturally influenced Christianity which accords more value to current societal tendencies than sound biblical doctrine. Though seemingly engaging, this method significantly waters down gospel, replacing scripture’s untampered truths with easily digestible yet spiritually hollow faith versions — echoes warnings mentioned in 2 Timothy 4:3-4.

Worryingly enough, Passion 2024 speakers have previously endorsed aberrant theological concepts akin to prosperity gospel — misleading doctrines from which Passion Conference originally sprang. These misinterpretations equate divine blessings with material prosperity and personal triumphs, grossly misconstruing God’s actual blessings as spiritual development, sanctification, and eternal hope.

The conference’s association with figures from Bethel Church-related movements such as Jesus Culture only compounds issues. Additionally, speakers like Carl Lentz have shown a worrying reluctance to staunchly uphold central Christian philosophies — his ambiguity regarding crucial moral topics like marriage and sexuality reflects compromises which ultimately brought about his disqualification from the pulpit.

Passion Conference is concerning due to embracing practices rooted in Roman Catholic mysticism and cultural trends over authentic doctrinal directives. This deviation jeopardizes young believer’s perception of God, their understanding of His call on our lives and obscures messages about Christianity’s essence characterized by sacrifice, humility, and eternity.

Regrettably, Passion Conference signifies a route that skews these principles towards a gospel influenced more by worldly inclinations than God’s unaltered Word.

Therefore, particularly for young believers, it is crucial in their spiritual journey to seek wisdom and guidance primarily within local scripture-believing churches committed to sound Scriptural doctrine. You should consult Scripture— the enduring truths that have navigated Christians through centuries Strengthen fellowship and teachings that bolster fundamental faith doctrines rather than altering them

In an era where authenticity is frequently traded for convenience or popularity, it is necessary to steadfastly affirm allegiance to Jesus Christ’s unchanging Gospel. Your faith anchored in the solid foundation of God’s Word constitutes your greatest asset— preserving it against dilution while allowing its guiding light in any uncertain world circumstance remains essential.

Remember: “The grass withers, the flower fades”, but God’s word abides forever (Isaiah 40:8). Thus every Christian especially should be discerning test everything against Scripture (1 Thessalonians 5:21), adhering only to what holds good under this vital scrutiny. Stand firm in your commitment to the immutable Gospel of Jesus Christ amidst a world teetering on the verge of changeability and ambiguity.

Original article posted by Fox News

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