“Oregon’s Rally Against Drug Decriminalization: A Return to Law, Order, and Rationality”

Published on March 2, 2024, 1:23 am

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The consequences of the late George Floyd’s death in 2020 led to a surge in radical views and leftist ideologies. Notably, police departments faced defunding, and several cities refrained from enforcing punitive measures against criminal activities. These developments culminated in Oregon’s decision to decriminalize drug constumption – an action that encompassed all types of illegal substances, including heroin and fentanyl. However, these idyllic societal reformations boasted by leftist proponents have not produced a utopian environment as anticipated, thus confronting Oregon residents with an unbendable reality.

In a declared rejection against unregulated substance abuse, Oregon’s bipartisan population recently demonstrated their stance on the national stage: deeming unrestricted drug consumption damaging to the nation. This collective viewpoint is not bound by party lines but upheld due to its rationality — because drugs degrade our communities and should never be approved as common practice.

Last week saw the progression of House Bill 4002 which passed by 51-7 votes in the Oregon House. This will proceed for evaluation at the Oregon State Senate. The bill was designed to reverse Measure 110 implemented in 2020, which had decriminalized drugs usage. Now intended to re-criminalize possession of small amounts of illicit drugs, the bill surprisingly gained support from Democrats within the Oregon House resulting in its robust financial backing totaling $211 million. This sum will accommodate “shovel-ready projects” addressing addiction and mental health problems; providing medication for prisoners troubled with drug issues; and facilitating training for healthcare industry workers.

What prompted this resolute turnabout? Alarming statistics reveal alarmingly high overdose deaths since the inception of legalizing substance use—Oregon has seen an astonishing increase of approximately 1500% since COVID-19 took root globally. No less than a thousand opioid overdoses occurred last year alone, with officials forecasting no decrease anytime soon given related crime rates’ incline likewise.

Portland stands as one such instance, where homicide rates escalated fourfold of their 20-year average last year. The city now bears witness to once family-friendly neighborhoods transforming into homeless encampments—case in point, the Peninsula Crossing Trail in North Portland. Consequently, many families are relocating from affected areas to safer suburbia outlets.

Most lawmakers have agreed upon the reinstatement of law and order in Oregon, except for a few dissenting voices arguing for regressing to previous decriminalization policies. They underscored the shortage within Oregon’s criminal justice system while others propounded that implementing the bill would especially disadvantage black and Hispanic communities.

Oregon is not alone in this realization. San Francisco too has acknowledged the fallacies within progressive policies which grandly imagined drug addicts funded by taxpayers’ contributions. Consequently, it now seems probable that Proposition F requiring drug tests for beneficiaries of city public assistance will receive approval – initially proposed by Democrat San Francisco Mayor London Breed.

History showcases how resource usage has often led to differences between conservatives and liberals. However, these recent undertakings seem unexpectedly harmonious—much-needed reforms occurring under liberal governance setting potentially trendsetting precedents.

As events are unfolding presently, it’s intriguing to observe ramifications of leftist policies as they reveal themselves over time—and more extraordinarily, how unforeseen they always appear. Trustworthy news and facts rooted on a Christian worldview provide an uncompromising standpoint on legalizing illicit substances—the results seeming far removed from festive fairies and unicorns promised by certain ideologies welcome us collectively back into reality’s fold.

Insights into current decisions on policy reform allow continuing analysis for establishing saner drug strategies in Oregon – restoring belief that real news is still attainable.

Behind every political narrative lie cogent writers like Becky Noble who’ve been covering politics and its intricacies for over a decade now—as written work extending across Politichicks, The Black Sphere, and The Political Insider exemplifies her proficiency. Holding a degree in Communications/Journalism from Regent University helps her navigate the political landscape confidently. Her substack page “Gumshoe Politics” and weekly short podcast series “In Your Face” serve as confluences for these endeavors.

Original article posted by Fox News

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