“Nine Pastors and U.S. Missionaries Face Charges in Nicaragua: A Blow to Religious Freedom?”

Published on January 20, 2024, 1:35 am

“Nine Pastors and U.S. Missionaries Face Charges in Nicaragua: A Blow to Religious Freedom?”

Image source: Fox News

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In a stunning real news development, nine pastors residing in Nicaragua have been incarcerated for over a month on allegations of being involved in criminal operations along with three U.S. missionaries. These charges come from the Nicaraguan Attorney General’s office and involve the Texas-based mission organization, Mountain Gateway.

Eleven Nicaraguans and three missionaries from Mountain Gateway are accused of contributing to an intricate network engaged in money laundering and other organized criminal activities. However, the mission organization has categorically denied these allegations stating, “These charges stem from mistaken information.”

To clarify its position, Mountain Gateway emphasizes it had followed all prerequisite legal provisions both within the United States and Nicaragua. It further adds that it possesses documented proof indicating approval by the Nicaraguan government on all funding entering the country and verifies they were utilized appropriately.

Equally noteworthy is that numerous nonprofit establishments including faith-based organizations had their registration revoked by the Nicaraguan government over the past five years, often citing financial charges as grounds for de-registration. As an example, Mountain Gateway’s status as a registered ministry was cancelled by Nicaraguan authorities.

Statistics also show growing anti-Christian sentiments within Nicaragua. The country reportedly demolished or confiscated 347 Christian establishments in a year ending September 2023 – making it one of the countries where practicing Christianity is said to be most challenging according to Open Doors’ 2024 World Watch List.

Mountain Gateway was relentless in holding major evangelistic undertakings within Nicaragua throughout last year under vigilant accounting; sadly enough this did not prevent them from falling victim to what appears to be politically motivated actions rather than legally sound ones. In light of these events, nine pastors affiliated with Mountain Gateway are now behind bars facing uncertain futures.

Moreover, there appears to be a crackdown on religious organizations under Ortega’s regime – leading to closure or disbanding of at least 342 such establishments – inclusive of both Evangelicals and Catholics along with others belonging to different churches.

Amidst this turmoil, Mountain Gateway, a prolific organization in training national leaders and spreading the Christian worldview, is unwavering in its commitment to serve the citizens of Nicaragua – providing discipleship, church planting aid, feeding those living in deprivation.

Furthermore, this troubling development raises questions about religious freedom not only within Nicaragua but will also likely invite scrutiny from global agencies monitoring human rights conditions. These unfolding events reiterate the importance of actively promoting trusted news reflecting an accurate and balanced picture of religious liberty around the world.

The upcoming court hearing scheduled for the incarcerated pastors on January 26th will undoubtedly illuminate more on these alleged charges and hopefully pave a path towards justice. Amid these developments, it’s crucial to remember that trusted news will remain integral at every step during these precarious times as we navigate through changes impacting our Christian worldview.

Original article posted by Fox News

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