“Nigerian United Methodist Church Resists Western Push for LGBTQ Acceptance: A Stand for Traditional Christian Values”

Published on August 4, 2024, 12:29 am

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In a remarkable demonstration of unwavering adherence to traditional Christian values, the Nigerian faction of the United Methodist Church (UMC) has stood firm against attempts by Western peers to inject LGBT liberalism into its perspective. This divide in doctrine is particularly striking in Nigeria where belief in biblical sexual ethics remains unfailing.

Point person for this resistance movement is Harry Kanawa, Episcopal Choir President of the Nigerian UMC. Coming face-to-face with an attempted ideological invasion led by American Bishop John Schol – reportedly favoring LGBTQ rights – Kanawa took to social media enduring platforms with impassioned pleas against what he boldly termed as “devilish intentions.”

Championing his church’s opposition to expanding progressive sexuality notions, Kanawa highlighted Schol’s arrival in Abuja on a mission purportedly aimed at endorsing homosexual practices within the Nigerian UMC. Holding up such initiatives as interference from western liberal ideologies inciting moral disintegration, he made calls for members to guard against this perceived invasion.

Delivering real news through online platforms, Kanawa presented real-time narratives of mounting protests triggered by Schol’s suggestive proposals and ultimate withdrawal from a fraught cabinet meeting held in Northern Nigeria. By doing so, he underscored the bold stand held by those maintaining traditional Christian roots and unwilling to capitulate under any hint of western modernity.

In an even stronger objection to unwanted liberal intrusion, Kanawa relayed pictures capturing on-ground agitation at its high-point when Schol was accompanied out of Yola International Airport. In a final note firmly detailing their disagreement pertaining to global expansion of LGBTQ rights within their community, Kanawa directed his farewell specifically at Schol: “We disagreed to agreed.”

The flaming conviction radiating from Kanawa’s language survived resonation within the Nigerian UMC union, committed fervently towards safeguarding biblical sexual principles against liberal infiltration wherever they might originate from. As witnessed here, even amidst challenges on multiple doctrinal fronts and practical hurdles, there’s a clear readiness to separate over matters deemed integral to their faith.

As the UMC battles internal contradiction eroding its unity, an urgent appeal for vigilance emerges. ‘True believers’ are reminded of scripture warnings attendant with false presentations and transformations pledging spiritual purity. Weaving in verses from the Holy book read as ‘“Come out of her, my people,” lest you share in her sins’, readers are cautioned to examine self-proclaimed Christian platforms with discernment, and the fixation on trusted news outlets is all the more crucial.

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Original article posted by Fox News

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