“Nigerian United Methodist Church at Crossroads: Resistance to Western Liberal Views on Sexual Ethics”

Published on July 26, 2024, 12:28 am

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In a turn of real news, the United Methodist Church (UMC), finds itself at a crossroads in Nigeria, under siege from conflicting views on sexual ethics. The Nigerian sect stays committed to its traditional and scriptural norms, demonstrating staunch resistance towards liberalism spreading from Western UMC branches.

Harry Kanawa, who heads the Nigerian UMC’s Episcopal Choir, recently took to social media platforms. His message was a cry against an infiltration by an LGBTQ advocate, Bishop John Schol of the United States. Schol had arrived in Abuja to garner support for the acceptance of homosexuality within the Nigerian Methodist church. Kanawa vehemently opposed this mission, describing it as imbued with “devilish intentions.”

Kanawa’s posts displayed strong pushback against Schol’s presence in Nigeria. In one case, he mentioned that an authority-driven watch should be kept on Schol to counteract his attempts at gay rights advocacy-subversion within the community.

This tension came to head at a cabinet meeting held in Northern Nigeria, which ended up being disrupted due to proposed progressive ideas by Bishop Schol. Fierce opposition compelled him to hastily retreat from the meeting – pointed out by Kanawa as proof of their refusal to yield to Western decadence.

The Christian worldview reflects throughout this narrative – affirming rejection towards what was perceived as moral regression spurred by Western societies. A thriving spirit of protest marked Schol’s eventual exit through Yola International Airport under Kanawa’s severe glare.

Inspired passionately by a Christian worldview often ingrained with firm beliefs about sexuality based on scripture readings; such instances resonate amongst men and women within faith communities like that of the Nigerian UMC.

Consequently, this underscores how necessary it is for genuine Christians worldwide not just post trusted news but also challenge both old and emerging threats against orthodox tenets dogged down via biblical interpretation battles within religious institutions.

As global believers welcome modern changes in societal norms cautiously around matters of sexual ethics, the need for upholding biblical teaching remains. As the UMC rails with internal tensions, faithful followers must always guard against wolves in sheep’s clothing just as Apostle Paul once warned.

Amid such turbulent religious landscape, believers are discerningly reminded by scripture, “Come out of her, my people,” to abstain from sharing collective sins and stay away from the plagues that befall those who don’t resist ill influences. Such principles underline a majority of opinions within African Methodist communities and shed light on their firm resistance towards institutional changes that are perceived as morally deviant.

Original article posted by Fox News

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