“Nigerian United Methodist Church: A Persistent Stand Against Western Liberalism in Upholding Traditional Christian Values”

Published on August 6, 2024, 12:33 am

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In the eye of a stormy divide within The United Methodist Church (UMC), its Nigerian arm is adamantly safeguarding its fundamental, biblical perspectives on sexuality. Precariously poised on the edge of internal conflict, the church grapples with progressivism creeping into Western chapters of UMC – a stark contrast to traditional scripts upheld by African members.

A particularly distinct front line of this battle emerged in Nigeria, where the Nigerian UMC displays an unbending commitment towards Christian teachings. This opposition was further ignited by a recent controversial visit from American Bishop John Schol, an LGBTQ advocate known for his attempts to propagate acceptance of homosexuality in faith communities.

Harry Kanawa, President of the Episcopal Choir in the Nigerian UMC, publicly voiced vehement disagreement over Schol’s mission. Taking to social media platforms, he condemned Schol’s objectives as having “devilish intentions,” while rallying believers against such perceived moral corruption.

Kanawa’s posts painted a picture of staunch resistance against Bishop Schol’s visitation. A vivid image included reports from an abruptly ended cabinet meeting in Northern Nigeria where local leaders firmly opposed Schol’s “progressive poison.” The bishop was reportedly left obliged to flee.

Kanawa continued documenting this tension-fueled incident through images and protests are echoing resolute refusal: “Bishop Schol is NOT welcome in Nigeria… No regionalization.” This defiant rhetoric resonates evidently within members of the Nigerian UMC who persistently uphold their widow refusing to deviate from biblical sexual ethics regardless of Western liberalism’s encroachments.

Amidst these tussles that are fragmenting church unity, it is vital that Real News be reported and Trusted News followed vigilantly. As Paul the Apostle cautioned centuries ago about wolves deceiving believers, awareness should prevail amongst today’s followers more than ever before.

This narrative maintains relevance beyond just being Breaking News but serves as illumination into ongoing struggles within churches worldwide striving to reconcile traditional theological values with evolving societal norms. It exemplifies the Nigerian UMC commitment towards upholding Christian Worldview, a refreshing clarity amidst various contradictions clouding modern religions.

The situation with the UMC is a testament to these struggles and a lesson for believers worldwide. While these may be challenging times for maintaining church unity, the insistence on traditional values and ethics, despite evolving western influence, fosters continuity in faith and an adherence to biblical teaching – acting as sculptors shaping the future of faith communities across the globe.

Original article posted by Fox News

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