“Nicaraguan Government Revokes Legal Status of Churches and Civil Society Organizations: An Erosion of Religious Freedom and Civil Rights”

Published on September 2, 2024, 12:45 am

“Nicaraguan Government Revokes Legal Status of Churches and Civil Society Organizations: An Erosion of Religious Freedom and Civil Rights”

Image source: Fox News

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In a recent development of events, 169 civil society organizations reportedly had their legal statuses revoked by the Nicaraguan government. Among those affected are numerous Protestant churches and the Nicaraguan Evangelical Alliance. This move follows shortly after the cancellation of legal registration for approximately 1,500 similar organizations, marking an escalating series of stringent measures against nonprofit entities.

This current round of cancellations was orchestrated under President Daniel Ortega and Vice-President Rosario Murillo. In total, there have been 5,552 organizations that had their status annulled since 2018, as informed by the U.K.-based Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW).

Historically significant Protestant-aligned denominations such as the Episcopal Church of Nicaragua and the Moravian Church of Nicaragua have not been immune to these measures. These entities established in 1612 and 1847 respectively, have cemented their status within the South Caribbean Autonomous Region over centuries. They were vital in providing education and community services in areas densely populated by indigenous and Afro-descendent groups.

The First Baptist Church of Managua, founded in 1917 is also among those impacted. The church is known for its extensive philanthropic efforts including running schools, a seminary, a hospital, and even a radio station.

Newer religious entities have equally felt the crunch with the Shalom First Presbyterian Church of Nicaragua, Gospel Eternal Message of the Three Angels Adventist Church, and Christian Reformed Church of Nicaragua having faced cancellation.

With this governmental mandate all assets associated with these organisations will henceforth fall under state control—a move akin to prior property seizures that uplifted institutions like the Nicaraguan Army and Social Security Institute.

Anna Lee Stangl—Head Of Advocacy at CSW voiced grave fears about such moves whilst motivating robust international condemnation− “We are particularly concerned about how this affects not only members being denied places to worship but also thousands dependent on essential services ran by these organizations.”

Observer’s note that the Ortega regime typically targeted only the Roman Catholic Church especially in regions where church leaders were vocal about human rights abuse. Thus, this unyielding approach towards Evangelical churches marks a broader application of their tactics.

A report published in June by the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom highlights rising repression, including surveillance and threats at church services. Incidents like the exile of seven catholic priests to Rome denotes deteriorating ties between religious leadership and state officials.

The United Nations Human Rights Office has voiced distress over these measures which flank the alarming erosion of civil society space and pocketing religious freedoms in Nicaragua.

These actions constitute a pattern under President Ortega’s tenure who won a disputed fifth term in 2021. His far-left Sandinista National Liberation Front regime is accused of suppressing opposition leading to arrests of potential political candidates, journalists and activists under ambiguous national security laws.

In a world craving for real news and trusted news from a Christian worldview, it is paramount we keep shining a spotlight on such issues affecting various facets of our shared human experience.

Original article posted by Fox News

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