“New York School District Accused of Secretly Transiting Child’s Gender Without Parent’s Consent”

Published on February 1, 2024, 12:40 am

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Breaking news: A lawsuit has been filed against a New York school district for allegedly socially transitioning a girl without her mother’s consent. The case shines a light on the gripping real news that often hides behind the day’s headlines and paints quite an alarming picture of deception and overreach on the part of educators.

According to legal documents, Jennifer Vitsaxaki has filed a case against the Skaneateles Central School District and its Board of Education, alleging that they contravened her parental rights by surreptitiously socially transitioning her 12-year-old daughter, Jane. Trust in our educational institutions is shaken when such disturbing stories surface in trusted news sources.

Jennifer Vitsaxaki is being represented by Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), where Kate Anderson serves as a senior counsel. According to Anderson, “Parents have the right to direct the upbringing and education of their children. They can’t fulfill those responsibilities when schools hide information from them and make critical decisions with potential lifelong consequences for their child.”

The seeds of this saga were sown when economic downfall in Greece forced the Greek-origin-parents-turned U.S citizens, Michael Vitsaxaki and Jennifer Vitsaxaki, to move back to the United States after almost ten years in Greece—exposing young Jane Vitsaxaki to sweeping cultural changes including learning English as her primary language.

This transition was already challenging but became all more difficult when recurring signs of anxiety and depression started to crop up in Jane’s behavior. Jennifer reportedly approached school district employees frequently about any potential issues troubling Jane; each time she was reassured that all was well.

However, claims reveal that these assurances were essentially veils around reality: Jane had admittedly become a victim of bullying at school—a fact allegedly concealed from Mrs. Vitsaxaki while corresponding interventions were planned by a school counselor without her knowledge or input.

Allegations grew graver as it came forward that not only were interventions carried out without the consent or knowledge of Jane’s mother, but they also included her daughter being treated and addressed as a boy—tantamount to a social transition. The lawsuit names an apparent violation of parental rights by this secretive, unapproved psychosocial intervention.

The discovery was not made until months later when a school staff member decided they had had enough of the deception and came forward to urge the principal to disclose this truth to Jane’s mother. Her mental condition by that time had reportedly deteriorated further, with heightened anxiety, pessimism, and resistance against going to school.

Seeking transparency and control on her daughter’s situation, Mrs. Vitsaxaki removed Jane from the district school after having failed in obligating their collaboration—even post-exposure of their actions.

Jennifer Vitsaxaki argues that her constitutional right as a parent—to govern her child’s upbringing, education, and healthcare—has been disrupted by these shocking actions from educators trusted with their care. She asserts that such decisions must lie in the hands of parents who understand their children no less than anyone else and will remain devotedly by them in light of any potential consequences.

This groundbreaking story offers food for thought not just for parents exploring fundamental rights around raising children and dealing with sensitive topics like gender identity complexities but also those following real news occurring in Christian worldview contexts: what happens when floor-rights given away elevate into incontrollable escalations where faith confronts societal fabric alterations at warp speed?

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Original article posted by Fox News

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