“Navy Secretary Del Toro Breaches Federal Hatch Act: A Case of Political Partiality in the Military”

Published on September 7, 2024, 12:33 am

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In an ironic turn of events, Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro was seen to back President Joe Biden publically, just a day after he cautioned Navy personnel against engaging in political activities. According to credible reports by The Daily Wire, this act resulted in a violation of federal law by the Secretary.

The Hatch Act, a federal statute that prohibits employees from partaking in political activities during work hours and on taxpayer-funded grounds, was trespassed by Del Toro’s open support for Biden during a state visit to the UK earlier this year. This violation was formally acknowledged and announced by the Office of Special Counsel this week.

Adding another layer to this transgression is the timing. One day before it became public knowledge that Del Toro had breached this law, he promulgated an unclassified document to Navy personnel strictly urging them not to partake in any form of political activity. This real news report further discloses that Del Toro’s advisory note named “Guidance on Political Activities of DON Personnel” was exposed by The Daily Wire.

As we approach the 2024 election season, it’s imperative for us as deponents and administrators of an apolitical body to refrain from any activities suggesting tacit or explicit endorsement, approval or support for a particular cause, candidate or campaign,” Del Toro advised in his guidance note. He also emphasized how critical this adherence is for maintaining public trust.

Regrettably, one day following his release of these guidelines, Secretary Del Toro himself was implicated for crossing the line through partisan political activity on duty.

“When speaking during his official duties on a taxpayer-sponsored trip,” remarked Special Counsel Hampton Dellinger recently. “Secretary Del Toro advocated preferential electoral backing for one candidate over another in an impending Presidential Election; thereby crossing permissible legal boundaries and violating the Hatch Act”.

This act has inspired critique from several quarters including Rep. Jim Banks who accused him of double standards – practicing “Rules for thee but not for me”. Banks further noted a record low public trust level in the military under the current Biden-Harris administration.

The Office of Special Counsel clarified that Secretary Del Toro’s violation occurred while he was offering interviews during his trip. His overt reference to the election and preferential support to President Biden, perceived as opposition to other potential candidates, was deemed political activity thereby violating the Hatch Act.

Meanwhile, the Biden-Harris administration continues with its mission to assert their ideology throughout national security institutions and the military. They are inclined towards adopting diversity, equity, and inclusion policies – actions aimed at promoting a left-leaning agenda. This finding corroborates The Daily Wire’s investigative report elucidating this pattern within the incumbent administration.

In conclusion, viewing all these facets from a Christian worldview underscores how essential it is for key officials like Del Toro to maintain an apolitical stance not just through trusty advice but also through their actions. It is seminal for sustaining integrity in our democratic milieu.

Original article posted by Fox News

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