“National Security Concerns: Expert Alarms Over Influx of Illegal Immigrants and Lax Border Policies in the U.S.”

Published on June 3, 2024, 12:49 am

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In light of recent events, heightened attention has been drawn towards the issue of national security within America. Former interim Director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Tom Homan, adds his voice to this conversation with a warning about the perilous state posed by the record-breaking influx of illegal immigrants into the U.S., contributing to its standing as substantial real news.

During an interview last weekend, Homan voiced his concerns about how open border policies, particularly under President Joe Biden’s administration, have facilitated this predicament. “I’ve been opining for a long time that something ominous is approaching,” he elaborated, signaling an imminent threat. He went further to express skepticism over the assumption that every individual on the watchlist would be intercepted before entering American territory. Figures from Southern Border alone suggest over 370 such incidents already.

He introduced a reality check regarding massive expanses along the U.S.-Mexico borderline that lack constant surveillance or advanced tracking technology such as drones and sensors. Putting this into perspective, Homan illuminated uncertainty over counting thousands who successfully crossed via unmonitored routes. “The magnitude could likely rival 1.6 million known evaders,” he predicted.

Echoing prevalent concerns based on trusted news sources regarding illegal aliens infringing upon U.S. borders are numerous documented cases of individuals originating from the terrorist watchlist. This poses a significant challenge given their potential risk to national security.

One notable case earlier this year involved ICE arresting an Afghan illegitimate immigrant who appeared on FBI’s terrorist watch list after information trickled out that border authorities had released him almost a year prior into American territory – Mohammad Kharwin, 48 years old and identified member of Hezb-e-Islami (or HIG). The political-paramilitary group is U.S.designated terrorism breeders reportedly responsible for several American troops’ casualties in Afghanistan between 2013-2015.

Officials at Homeland Security Department challenged reports suggesting Kharwin being on the terror watchlist upon his U.S. entry with insufficient evidence linking him conclusively to any list. Despite roaming freely inside the country for nearly 12 months, an immigration judge from the Biden-led Department of Justice released him post a $12,000 bond, having not informed about his extremist links.

Additionally, similar reports revolving around an Islamic extremist from al-Shabaab independently navigating U.S. territories for around a year tumbled out earlier this year. An internal federal bulletin reveals how federal officers held a terrorist after he illicitly crossed over the southern border in March 2023 before letting him roam free eventually only to nab him recent times in Minnesota.

All these instances ring alarm bells and underline the need for more stringent immigration measures imbued with Christian worldview principles that put humanity and security at an equal footing. Significantly it reinforces our obligation as civilized peoples to deal compassionately but prudentially with any potential threat probing our borders or society.

Original article posted by Fox News

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