“Modern-Day Reformation: No Peace with Progressivism in Christianity”

Published on August 31, 2024, 12:42 am

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During the epoch-making Protestant Reformation, “No Peace with Rome” was a resounding cry heard across the length and breadth of Europe. This staunch declaration emanated from those who would not bargain with the malfeasance and doctrinal errors proliferating within the Roman Catholic Church. The reformers were well aware that to consort with such an organization steeped in fallacies was tantamount to betrayal of the quintessential gospel itself. They remained steadfast, refusing to succumb to a deceitful facade of unity which would require muteness in confronting heresy.

Today, Christians find themselves at an analogous crossroads, pitted against a new “Rome.” However, this time around we do not face a church inundated by archaic rituals but instead confront a potent force concealing itself under the cloak of progressivism. From Roman Catholic politicians like Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi who use their faith as mere political toolkits, to left-leaning extremists working under the disguise of Evangelical pastors such as David Platt, Matt Chandler, Thabiti Anyabwile; it appears as if the left is replicating the power once held by papal authority – advancing a trajectory diametrically opposed to God’s commands.

Dubbing our refusal for unity as “political idolatry,” particularly by figures like David Platt seems intriguing given they are unable or unwilling to acknowledge glaring moral issues such as abortion, homosexuality and CRT as more than just political considerations.

The left-wing party members often take pains to hide behind eloquent phrasing but make no mistake – they are united in their singular objective: resistance towards God. Echoing sentiments from another era where reformers refused peace with papal powers, today’s true believers cannot afford peace with individuals or parties who stealthily infiltrate our churches promoting godless ideologies.

However tempting it may be to succumb to their sweet-sounding songs of unity, remember these are shrouded wolves with ulterior motives, eager to condemn violence only when it conveniently aligns with their narrative. The duplicity is glaring in such contexts as they remain selectively mute or even endorse the massacre of innocent lives through abortions, riots causing massive destruction, and racist outbursts against specific demographics in public schools.

Their underlying worldview stands testament to a malignant growth infiltrating God’s church and creation outwards from its roots. They talk of reconciliation but beneath it all lies a sinister plot aimed at creating anarchy in society and sabotaging the church’s mission. For quite some time now, these leftists have been actively stoking the fire of discord under the false pretense of unity; aiming to create a culture steeped in fear through continual propagation of untruths about those who dare stand up for real news and true biblical teachings.

Invoking divisive labels like “Nazis,” “white supremacists,” or “anti-choice” is part of their calculated strategy intended to not just insult but act as weapons of warfare—to gaslight right-wing supporters and recast them as villains within their distorted storyline. Don’t let these antics deceive you into believing that defense for life, timeless biblical truths, principles of minimalist governance somehow casts you as a monster. In reality, this is just another chapter in a meticulously planned campaign set at instigating hatred against anyone daring enough challenge their radical schemes.

As we see our church leaders promoting “unity” and “common ground” with proponents of these ideologies one thing becomes clear – we stand apart to protect against this growing tide of evil. As did the reformers before us who roundly rejected any form peace with Rome, today we say unequivocally: No peace with progressives shall be entertained in any form or guise.

Regardless of the narration dominating our discourse currently, remember this – there can be no negotiation or capitulation facing such ardent adversaries.

Original article posted by Fox News

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