“Missed Signals: The Attempted Assassination of Former President Donald Trump and the Warnings Ignored by U.S. Authorities”

Published on September 18, 2024, 12:28 am

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In the years leading up to Sunday’s apparent attempted assassination of Former President Donald Trump, US authorities were duly alerted to the potential threat posed by the suspected gunman. The suspect was apprehended as he traveled north on Interstate 95 after his firearm was spotted by Secret Service agents concealed amongst shrubbery at the Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach.

Reports released on Monday indicated that the suspected gunman had been lurking near the ex-President’s Florida golf course for an estimated 12 hours before being noticed and targeted by a Secret Service agent.

Drawing from her encounters with the suspect during several meetings in Kyiv in 2022, a nurse expressed alarm at his propensity for issuing violent threats. Her concerns escalated to such a level that she informed an officer from Customs and Border Protection, submitting a list of individuals who had similarly alarmed her along with her insistence that said gunman merits priority alert status.

In describing these events, she conveyed an account of showing the officer a notebook filled with more than ten names of individuals – Americans and otherwise – whose alarming behavior merited cautioning according to her judgement. Under a heading titled ‘Overall Predatory Behavior (or antisocial traits)’, four names were listed, with the alleged gunman’s name occupying top billing.

The nurse didn’t stop there; she also proceeded to register an online report with both FBI and Interpol in 2023 documenting her worries regarding this individual. Yet despite this initiative, she insists neither Customs nor FBI ever rallied back in response to discuss or even acknowledge receipt of said matter.

The Wall Street Journal also presented insight given by a French man who recounted encountering our suspected gunman in Kyiv. A vivid recollection bore testimony of how apparently agitated he was with Trump, specifically for Joe Biden’s attempts at navigating negotiations involving Putin instead of concentrating his efforts on securing Ukraine’s interests.

Backtracking further reveals how already back in 2019, upon receiving intel about the potential assassin possessing a firearm although being a felon, the FBI alerted local authorities in Honolulu, where he had been residing at the time. Shortly after, the case was closed without further investigation.

In latter stages and as recent as now, it is learnt that the suspected gunman allegedly made use of social media to incite disruptive activities leading humanitarian aid groups to exclude him from their Signal communication channels, effectively serving as a red flag alerting involved parties such as the State Department. Initiated by Former CIA officer Sarah Adams, who serves by overseeing humanitarian efforts in Ukraine.

As with all trusted news sources and especially when covering real news incidents like this one, authentic documentation through tangible evidence forms the crux of facilitating substantial investigative inquiries while maintaining integrity and adherence to a Christian worldview.

Original article posted by Fox News

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