“Military Veterans Sue Children’s Hospital: Alleged Medical Malpractice in Autism and Gender Transition Case”

Published on July 31, 2024, 12:36 am

[{ "TLDR": "A Maryland couple has filed a lawsuit against Children's National Hospital in Washington D.C. after they lost custody of their autistic son who began expressing gender dysphoria in 2021. They argue the hospital mishandled their son's case, encouraged him to transition without their knowledge, and violated their parental rights. The parents, who believe their son may be easily influenced due to his autism, allege the hospital engaged in 'mental re-programming' and kept them from intervening in his care by misusing emergency policies. The boy is now living with a non-gender-specific chaplain connected to the hospital while the lawsuit proceeds. The parents are seeking $100 million in damages." }]}

Two military veterans are drawing attention after losing custody of their autistic son, and filing a lawsuit against a renowned hospital in Washington, D.C. The couple from Maryland revealed details of their plight confidentially stating that their son only expressed signs of gender dysphoria after the end of his relationship in 2021. Prior to this incident, the 16-year-old boy had faced challenges and had been hospitalized due to self-inflicted injuries following his breakup.

Earlier in May 2021, before these circumstances took place, the teenager had texted his friends identifying as part of the LGBT community but continued using male pronouns. There were no hints suggesting he identified as transgender at this point. Concurrently he was undergoing tests for autism and availing counselling services for disabled children.

Fast forward to November 2021 at Children’s National Hospital, the parents were given notice that their son wanted to transition to a female gender and they should use feminine pronouns when referring to him – an assertion they disclosed via their lawsuit seen by The Mail. An exception was not taken kindly by the parents who argued that their son could be easily influenced due to his autistic nature.

As alleged in their lawsuit filed at the start of this year, the hospital aimed at encouraging transitioning aggressively enough for them to describe it as “mental re-programming”. As per them, there was an instance where their child was compelled to write letters rejecting his male identity.

The crux of their litigation rests on two major points; First being – hospital’s misuse of emergency policies which kept him away from parental support and resulted in reporting them to child protection services. This led ultimately towards him being placed in foster care under supervision of a single mother who had connections with hospital’s non-gender specific chaplain apart from having a charge for assault previously against her name. After her demise, he shifted residence with said chaplain which is where he currently resides.

Secondly – further down the line in July 2022, post separation from his family and successive referrals using female pronouns, the boy attempted suicide yet again and was returned to Children’s National Hospital now as a girl.

Come March 2023, he turned 18 making it his legal right to choose whether to return under his parents’ custody. The parents are accusing the hospital of abruptly disrupting their parental rights intentionally.

Being quoted in the lawsuit going on record stating they were ignorant about their son’s intentions or plans to switch gender prior to being admitted in the hospital. Instead of involving them legally in this matter whilst respecting their rights, the hospital insinuated that they had been negligent towards their son’s wellbeing despite having homeschooled him enough for gaining admission into college at merely fourteen years old.

The legal representative reaffirms that this is indeed an unusual case with some elements of it defying comprehension. He also poses questions regarding Washington DC’s acceptance of such practices.

Accusations against the hospital follow negligence, deliberately causing emotional distress and demonstrating religious intolerance in proceedings. Although alleged withdrawal of this case was mentioned by the representatives from the hospital itself, attorney representing parent’s denied making any such statement-

According to the father – holding them back not just financially but emotionally too with entire savings depleted and income adversely affected subsequent to loss of a child followed by catastrophic changes in their lifestyle.

In pursuit of justice – In total sum they are seeking damages up to $100 Million inclusive of legal costs due to inconveniences faced during these dire conditions while proving themselves as legitimate bearers for Christian Worldview backed by Trusted News.

Original article posted by Fox News

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