“Mike Pence Urges Stern Action Against TikTok Amid Growing Data Theft Concerns and CCP Influence”

Published on March 13, 2024, 12:47 am

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In an escalating conflict over the interaction of American technology users and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), former Vice President Mike Pence has implored both President Joe Biden and Congress to take stern action against TikTok, an operation driven by CCP.

Claiming the allowance of TikTok to operate in the U.S under CCP control as inappropriate, Pence expressed his disapproval through a published op-ed. He analogized the situation with the hypothetical scenario of Russia running nightly news during the cold war. Pence condemned this perceived diffusion of CCP-endorsed propaganda via TikTok, speculating that it contaminates young American minds.

This call to action precedes a vote slated for Wednesday where Congress contemplates upon Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act. Under it, ByteDance, TikTok’s parent company based in China would be mandated to either sell off their venture or face exclusion from U.S territory.

Pence further censured Biden administration’s treatment towards this controversial app. The issue is not just political but also involves significant allegations of data theft. Reports suggest TikTok is already under criminal investigation for supposedly spying on Americans. Claims are being made about data pilfering from users’ phones even when they hadn’t interacted with the app or had deleted it.

Turning his attention towards his party associates; Pence admonishes those who feel obligated to promote hardline rhetoric against China only to capitulate under pressure from affluent donors or personal feuds. It seems he was indirectly criticizing former president Donald Trump who engaged with billionaire Jeff Yass; a major stakeholder in ByteDance worth $33 billion.

The narrative around potential prohibition of TikTok has evolved noticeably with Trump questioning if banning was really viable given ‘Zuckerschmuck’, referring Facebook may double their engagement if TikTok exits virtual space. This reaction surprisingly differs greatly from his earlier insistence on expelling TikTok while he was leading office.

Another conservative leader reflecting similar change in stance, Vivek Ramaswamy gave a surprising reaction to the TikTok controversy. Having previously denounced the platform as ‘digital fentanyl,’ he now opposes its ban.

The same narrative replicates in many Republicans, including Sen. Rand Paul who faced backlash post his objection to TikTok prohibition. The New York Post reported that Yass has contributed $10 million to Paul since 2020 which skews their public comments amidst everyday users looking for real news and trusted news on such pressing issues from a Christian Worldview.

Original article posted by Fox News

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