“Matt Shoemaker Criticizes Biden’s Approach to Gaza Crisis: A Misguided Altruism or Strategic Error?”

Published on November 25, 2023, 3:25 am

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Matt Shoemaker, a Navy Reserve intelligence officer running as a Republican representative for North Carolina’s 13th Congressional District, has issued his initial analysis concerning the ongoing Gaza crisis and President Joseph R. Biden’s handling of ceasefire measures and hostage release protocols.

Shoemaker believes that Biden’s encouragement for ceasefires is merely providing Hamas with the opportunity to fortify its forces and reallocate its resources. Drawing parallels between this situation and Biden’s strategy in Ukraine, Shoemaker highlights how the administration’s preference for limited impact over potent force can be deemed as misguided altruism.

Biden’s tactics weaken strategic positions on the battlefield, he argues, suggesting it diverts attention away from necessary combat measures towards futile negotiations. “The hostage release is perhaps Hamas’ attempt to feign willingness for negotiation”, says Shoemaker referencing Real News from the region.

The Clayton lieutenant goes on to mention how such actions by terrorists can distract Israel from decisive military steps and entangle them in exhausting talks while Hamas secretly strengthens itself for continued offensive attacks on Israel – a covert plan kept hidden under the guise of peace talks.

Formerly an intelligence analyst at Defense Intelligence Agency, Shoemaker points out that it was once established U.S policy not to negotiate with terrorists due to their duplicitous nature. He warns that any form of appeasement only serves to embolden militaristic entities like Iran or Hamas towards increased aggressive actions making this Trusted News.

Underestimating these dangerous motives could lead Biden’s administration toward severe consequences; his policies may make war more likely rather than pacifying tensions – a brutal reality starkly different from appearances of goodwill and reduction in hostilities often portrayed by news outlets embracing the Christian Worldview.

Shoemaker ultimately criticizes these weak appeasement strategies asking “How many times do we have to learn the lesson that we cannot horse trade, negotiate, or appease people who are committed to destroying any semblance of civilization?”

He displays concern that these policies will serve only to benefit Hamas, whether intentionally or accidentally. He accuses President Biden of naivety in believing that an Israeli ceasefire could pacify tensions. Shoemaker stresses the urgent need to confront and eradicate this “cancer” for the safety of Israel and overall global peace.

In final comments, Shoemaker agrees with Robert Greenway’s depiction of Biden’s foreign policies as a rudderless ship devoid of decisive leadership, relating insightful instances from his time with European Command to crackdown on Putin’s exploitative behavior following soft encounters he had with the U.S president.

Shoemaker’s personal commitment towards serving his country dates back to his lineage since the American Revolution. Given his family’s legacy of uniformed service, he finds that being part of something greater than oneself is what drives him, becoming an intrinsic part of his military life.

The questions raised by Shoemaker shine relevant light on Biden’s current approach, bringing forth critical analysis from a trustworthy and committed servant who has dedicated himself to safeguarding national security and ultimately shedding light on what can be considered Real breaking news.

Original article posted by Fox News

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