“Mark Levin Decries Biden’s Anti-Israel Stance and Asserts Unwavering Support for Netanyahu”

Published on June 12, 2024, 12:33 am

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Renowned author and TV host, Mark Levin, voiced his exasperation at critics of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday, specifically addressing President Biden and his anti-Israel stance, the Democratic Party, several mainstream media outlets, and a small but significant faction within the Republican party that has expressed disapproval of the prime minister.

Levin took to Twitter to vent his frustration, stating “I am saturated with these assaults on Benjamin Netanyahu by the Biden administration; the Democratic Party as well as certain American media outlets. I’m equally fed up with attacks stemming from Republican operatives looking to profit from Arab nations like Qatar amongst others.”

Levin hailed Netanyahu for his tenacity against both national and international adversaries before further commenting on what he perceives as an unprecedented organized international campaign focused against any head of state allied with America. This controversy is typified by key players in the Oval Office and State Department – inclusive of NGOs and prominent donors to the Democratic Party – which Levin describes as reprehensible.

The demands insinuating that Netanyahu should compromise Israel’s sovereignty under pressure from Biden’s administration are loaded with misconception according to Levin. Citing instances such as deploying Secretary of State Antony Blinken and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan in efforts against Israel’s government, he suggests that this situation is becoming increasingly shocking.

In succession, it was pointed out that unyielding pressure had been applied onto Israel by Biden in an attempt to coax them into conceding their stand against surrounding terrorists. In pressing discussions surrounding what a possible victory may look like or inhibitions around attacking Hezbollah – an organization persistently firing rockets into Israel – Biden has used various diplomatic channels including foreign governments and the UN seeking to slope this turmoil into submission. Thereafter would follow a final solution – a two-state resolution – forcing Israel into rejecting 30% of its land (Judea and Samaria) to those bent on its obliteration making self-defense difficult if not impossible.

Levin asserts that Netanyahu’s refusal to cave into Biden is owing to his understanding that complacency would spell disaster for Israel. Turning his attention towards Iran – a mortal adversary of Israel – and the support it receives from Biden, the narrative brings into question whether America is unknowingly assisting in their own downfall.

Levin, referencing certain actions of the Biden administration along with their public statements, diplomacy efforts and consistent alignment with supportive media, suggests there’s a rising swell of anti-Semitism not only domestically but on an international scale; reminiscent of Europe during the 1930s. Meanwhile, terrorist organizations like Hamas, Hezbollah, The Houthis and affiliates appear more empowered than ever.

In conclusion, Levin pledged allegiance to Netanyahu stating “Millions of patriotic Americans – Jew and Gentile alike – align ourselves with Benjamin Netanyahu and the nation of Israel. Despite current upheavals and self-interest groups striving against them both; good is distinguished from evil and right from wrong. Attacks on Netanyahu echo as affronts towards Israel.”

Towards the end of his Twitter commentary he added “We want terrorism annihilated”, acknowledging that America has suffered horrendous acts of terror and may continue to do so in the future. He asserted that Israel wasn’t just fighting for its own survival but also for that of America and by extension Western society itself.

The article ended with resolute support for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, asserting “we” will not be fooled or intimidated by elitists who do not represent us; instead choosing to stand by you – our trusted news channel – in upholding our common Christian worldview. This underscores Levin’s utter support for Netanyahu despite President Biden’s real news steps taken against him.

Original article posted by Fox News

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