“Kentucky Pastor Launches Tuition-Free School in Response to Public Education Concerns”

Published on September 21, 2024, 12:29 am

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Breaking real news that many may find inspiring, Pastor Justin Walker of Salt and Light Baptist Church in La Grange, Kentucky, has spearheaded the opening of a tuition-free school. This came to fruition after an unsettling encounter at a local public library where he was perturbed by the promotion of LGBTQ-themed books towards his 11-year-old daughter by library staff.

Reacting strongly to this episode, Walker took to expressing his distress on social media platforms sparking a far-reaching debate and discussion. Despite this incident leading him to sever ties with the said library, it also made him contemplate deeply about the overarching impact of public education on American children. His concern became particularly acute in light of his experience with homeschooling following the untimely death of his wife.

“There’s a mission field in our own backyard… 50 million American children are going to public schools every day where things like what just happened to my daughter in the library are happening all day long,” voiced Walker.

In response to these observations, Pastor Walker initiated First Principal Academy alongside his church; a K-6 school offering an alternative viewpoint underpinned by Christian teachings prevalent in its curriculum–a vision encapsulated perfectly through their trusted news facility. Unusually for private education establishments, however, is its unique status as being entirely tuition-free – funded through donations for staffing costs and acquiring relevant curriculum materials.

While enrollment at First Principal Academy does not necessitate signing a faith declaration, students should be aware that Christian worldview principles are at the heart of teaching here. “We want mom and dad to know, and we want students to know, that this is what we’re going to be teaching… our grand hope is that kids will hear the gospel in every class,” affirmed Walker.

Looking beyond its immediate community, Pastor Walker views First Principal Academy as one step in inspiring similar movements across America from fellow churches embodying similar convictions. Undoubtedly pioneering an ambitious new project posed challenges, yet sites in Florida and Georgia have already taken inspiration from Salt and Light’s model. In spite of these challenges, Walker remains committed to his mission.

“We want to see this spread far and wide,” reiterated the passionate pastor. His invocation for support in the form of prayers emphasizes both the protection of the church and fortification of teachers and students alike as they embark on this start-up endeavor – an endeavor echoing hope across Christian communities nationwide.

Original article posted by Fox News

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