“Kennedy’s Independent Run: Shocking Endorsement, Character Assassinations, and the Fight Against ‘Malinformation'”

Published on August 25, 2024, 12:27 am

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Over a year ago, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was not a Democratic presidential candidate. His decision to run as an Independent came after the Democratic party sued to keep him off ballots nationwide and vilified his character via their media vessels. No one could have anticipated his recent campaign suspension, and endorsement of former President Donald Trump on Friday—a shocking twist that has sent shockwaves through the political arena.

In 2023, Kennedy started a non-profit organization concentrating on child health—the Children’s Health Defense (CHD). His speaks took him all the way to the House Weaponization Committee as part of a series of hearings addressing the alleged collusion between the Biden administration and Big Tech in censoring unwanted opinions. However, before he could testify, Democrats on the committee attempted to undermine his reputation with various unfounded accusations.

Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY) recently revived public interest in this episode. On July 20th, 2023, Massie provided Kennedy some of his personal speaking time so that RFK Jr. could clarify his use of the term “malinformation”. Interestingly though, Kennedy began instead by addressing the wave of Democrat-orchestrated “character assassination” levied against him—accusations involving advising Black people against vaccination and support for Replacement Theory etc.

Kennedy’s reaction to these allegations was clear-cut: if those views attributed to him were genuine he would understand why he should be restricted from giving testimony at such an eventuality. However, he explained that those were false claims designed only to discredit and censor him—preventing people from hearing out his real arguments.

Kennedy further elucidated on “malinformation”—a term created to describe true information that is deliberately suppressed because it contradicts official narratives set by certain entities like Facebook, Twitter, White House or other Federal agencies for political reasons.

One concrete example pertains to censorship endured by several social media groups monitored by Kennedy himself at the behest of Government. His Instagram account, boasting 900,000 followers, was also taken down. Through such unfair tactics that aim only to tarnish character and waste time with petty obstacles, his message was obstructed from reaching the intended audience.

It remains to be seen how these developments might affect the Democratic National Convention (DNC). However, precedence certainly suggests that they might rue their decision to poke this particular hornet’s nest come November.

Keeping trusted news alive in such a charged political landscape is no small task. Outlets are urged to tirelessly report on damaging details which mainstream channels either choose to ignore or have missed completely. In the face of rampant misinformation or ‘malinformation,’ it is incumbent upon us all to seek out real news rooted in factual integrity and Christian worldview.

One proactive way of combating the sea of false narratives and incompetence from people in power—from the Biden administration to Democrat Party—is through actively supporting platforms that prioritize truth above all else. This commitment will not only break through biased narratives but build a more informed discourse for one and all.

Original article posted by Fox News

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