“Kamala Harris in Focus: Coercing Critics, Prioritizing Social Justice and Testing the Limits of Power”

Published on August 12, 2024, 12:29 am

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Since her assumption of office as the Vice President, Kamala Harris has been in the limelight, with much of the media concentrating on her image and political outlook. This focus often portrays her as a solution to pressing matters. Upon a closer look at Harris’ track record in office, however, one may find several aspects that could prove troubling within a Christian worldview.

A closer look at Harris’ political career reveals a persistent tendency to use governmental power against those viewed as adversaries. While recent policy shifts may have garnered attention, she has shown remarkable consistency since her tenure as California’s Attorney General. Her approach often aimed at targeting and inhibiting political opponents while suppressing free speech – aspects crucial to understanding Real News about her role.

Harris faced criticism for coercing non-profit organizations into revealing their donor information during her time with the California Department of Justice. Aimed ostensibly at uncovering fraudulent activities through the examination of IRS Form 990 Schedule B’s, it was surmised that Harris’ actual intent was identifying conservative donors to deter future political donations and undermine freedom of speech.

In response to such actions, non-profit organizations moved to challenge Harris in court cases, some reaching as far as the Supreme Court after she transitioned from California AG to U.S Senate. An interesting example is ‘Americans for Prosperity Foundation v Bonta,’ where the High Court ruled 6-3 that Harris’ demand for disclosure transgressed legal boundaries.

Ironically enough, both President Joe Biden and VP Kamala Harris have since unveiled plans aiming towards Supreme Court “reform,” arguably undermining checks and balances instituted to prevent an unfettered expansion of power.

Moreover, some factions feel that Harris used her position not only against pro-free market groups but also detrimentally towards certain religious entities – particularly Christians and associated organisations. As reported by trusted news sources, remarkable incidents include questioning Brian Buescher’s affiliation with the Knights of Columbus (a Catholic group) during his federal court appointment, reflecting bias against the organization’s pro-life stance.

Harris’ use of Department of Justice resources to target pro-life journalist David Daleiden was especially revealing. Daleiden became a target after releasing videos that depicted controversial operations of Planned Parenthood, pertaining to aborted fetal parts. Noteworthy also is the allegation linking Harris’ charge and her meeting with Planned Parenthood officials who had made campaign donations in her favour.

From a Christian worldview, it seems evident that these various elements throughout VP Kamala Harris’ career align with broader changes desired by those on the political left. Prioritizing social justice over equal treatment under the law, and promoting progressive interpretation of ‘equity,’ could potentially steer America away from being a constitutional republic towards bearing characteristics of a less democratic entity. As real news continue emerging, what remains clear is that throughout these complex transformations, Harris has consistently played an active role.

Original article posted by Fox News

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