“Joe Biden’s Blunder-filled Speech: A Cause for Concern?”

Published on December 10, 2023, 3:04 am

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Joe Biden addressed an audience at the Carpenters International Training Center in Las Vegas last Friday, delivering a speech fraught with blunders and confusion. The former VP frequently encounters issues when delivering public addresses, leading many to wonder why his team continues to expose him to these platforms.

One of the most glaring missteps occurred when Biden inaccurately stated “Over a billion three hundred million trillion three hundred million dollars!”. The nonsensical figure left attendees confused and has sparked a wave of scrutiny online.

But the errors didn’t stop there. When speaking on gun control, as topic he is famously ill-informed about, the President made unclear statements that left the crowd bewildered. Mid-sentence, his train of thought seemed to derail confusingly.

He questioned why people do not lock up their firearms while simultaneously arguing for a ban on assault weapons- claiming mass murders occur due to kids accessing guns from countertops. This declaration lacked coherence and precision and raises concerns over his understanding of the critical debate surrounding gun control.

While advocating for stricter regulations domestically, Joe Biden remains intent on supporting Ukraine’s military endeavors by sending arms worth billions; a move which appears hypocritical given his stand domestically. His stance seemingly overlooks America’s historical connection with firearms ownership and its enshrinement within our constitution as part of citizens’ rights.

Moreover, an increase in crime rates, including gun-related offenses, can largely be attributed to insufficient punitive measures against criminals combined with defunding law enforcement units – policies advocated significantly by Democratic blue states.

In another baffling utterance during this address, Biden claimed that he didn’t earn more than $400,000 a year until becoming president- blatantly ignoring his own income statement where it was revealed that he earned $11.1 million in 2017 alone.

Additionally, trying to connect with carpenters present during talk shared a story about an old man named “McCullough” who endorsed him back in 1972. However, without any additional context or clarification as to who this person was, the tale seemed farfetched and perhaps, manufactured.

This recent performance by President Biden sparks concern over his credibility and competency concerning real news issues. As trusted news venues continue to analyze his public appearances, one can’t help but wonder- is Joe Biden truly aware of the complexities inherent in the Christian worldview on matters like gun control? Or are these just rambled words spoken half-heartedly for political gain? The question, it seems, remains unanswered.

Original article posted by Fox News

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