“Iran-Backed Aggression: America’s Call to Re-evaluate Its Middle Eastern Strategy”

Published on February 3, 2024, 12:52 am

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In recent times, we’ve observed a trajectory that has resulted in an intensive series of attacks on American installations and forces in Syria, Iraq, and Jordan by Iran-backed militias. The frequency of these assaults adds up to about 170 incidents, painting a disturbing image of America as the victim of unnerving aggression.

The presumed motive behind these attacks is purportedly an attempt to force the U.S. into ceasing its support for Israel and calling for a halt to the Israel-Hamas conflict in Gaza. However, it is widely acknowledged that these militant factions are mere extensions guided by Iran’s grand plan to drive out U.S. influence from the Middle East.

This strategy, reminiscent of tactics used during the devastating Marine barracks bombing in 1983, will ultimately enable Iran to pursue its ambition of setting up a nuclear shield and creating a formidable Shiite-Persian terrorist axis stretching from Tehran to Damascus and Beirut towards Gaza and the West Bank. This axis intends not only to encircle Israel but to wield sufficient power to intimidate Gulf regimes such as Jordan and Egypt into conceding.

These militia groups linked with Iran have drawn some unfortunately accurate conclusions about the current state of America and particularly President Biden’s administration. They perceive that following strings of disappointing events – from America’s exit from Afghanistan to passive responses during global crises – that now is perhaps when the United States seems most vulnerable or even incapacitated.

Further enhancing this perception are evident weaknesses stemming from domestic challenges including politicization within military leadership ranks, depletion of munitions due to arms shipments overseas, and issues at home such as border security lapses.

These problematic observations combined with perceptions of chronic appeasement by President Biden’s administration emboldens both Iran and their armed factions. Since entering office, attempts by President Biden’s administration at insisting on positive outcomes via unsteady diplomacy – examples include striving for tranquillity through removal of Houthis from global terrorist designations or efforts at purchasing peace through money – continues to fuel the narrative of a diminished United States.

These actions may have momentarily spurred hopes for better US-Iran relations, but the sustained attacks on American bases and installations indicate a different story. The lack of substantial or proportional responses raises concerns that America is losing in a war fought by proxies.

Taking into consideration these circumstances, it seems that Biden’s administration could benefit from adjusting its approach towards Iran and its surrogates. Loudly declaring an intention solely for peace sends the wrong message as it makes conflict more likely. To prevent the outbreak of war, focus should be put back on imposing oil sanctions on Iran, denying banking transactions to armed factions aligned with them, cutting off aid streamlining into Hamas-dominated territories in the West Bank and reinstating a rightful terrorist designation for the Houthis.

U.S officials need to quit the vague rhetoric prevalent in statements after each attack and set clear policies. Messages in times such as these should convey unpredictability and be indicative of capability rather than predicted limitations. A strategic move now would be for America to speak mainly through silent yet devastating actions that hold potential adversaries accountable.

When incessantly provoked, merely reacting with assurances of measured response while voicing reluctance toward engaging in more extensive warfare could ultimately catalyze a much larger conflict. Consistent with trusted news out there about real news events viewed through a Christian worldview lens, we must remember that understanding the root causes can help us formulate better solutions that ensure stability within our global arena going forward.

Original article posted by Fox News

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