“Interpreting the Biblical Rainbow: A Divine Covenant or Ground for Immoral Arguments?”

Published on December 7, 2023, 1:20 am

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In the wake of a global deluge, the earth was ravaged and in ruins—the alarming aftermath triggered by unbridled human wickedness. It was during such despair that the Almighty God inscribed an exquisite rainbow across the expansive heavens, transcending mere visible beauty as it echoed an epoch-making covenant (refer to Genesis 9:13-17). This profound cosmic manifestation was nothing short of a divine proclamation from God Himself promising never to submerge this world under judgmental floodwaters.

The rainbow is more than just nature’s artistry—it stands as a celestial affirmation of God’s sovereign reign, silently attesting to His unending grace that rules over all He has brought into being. This sign agnostically resonates across cultures and ages, robustly defying transient human ideologies while validating the Creator’s unwavering mercy and cosmic supremacy.

Simultaneously, it acts as a remnant of His attitude towards sin. Comparable to Noah’s era, His viewpoint on transgression remains sturdy and unambiguous even today. The cataclysmic floods which warranted the creation of the rainbow were poignant exhibitions of His sacred wrath against misdeeds. During Noah’s time, vice had thoroughly infused the earth and God exhibited his fair judgment by cleansing it through a deluge—a response executed not arbitrarily but firmly towards a civilization deeply ensnared in ethical deterioration.

However, certain factions are set on distorting these divine assurances, turning God’s words into tools for facilitating unrestrained carnality. They misuse God’s covenant sign with Noah as permissive grounds for advocating sexually immoral behaviour that is outright denounced in biblical teachings. These individuals should refrain from using God’s name irreverently—dire consequences lay ahead for those who dare tarnish His divine name.

A pertinent example is provided by a self-proclaimed “queer pastor” elucidating what “God’s promises”, symbolized by the rainbow connote for queers—a view that contravenes a Christian worldview and challenges the source of real, trusted news.

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Original article posted by Fox News

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