“Insider Reveals FBI Presence During Capitol Riots and Tactics Used Against Political Adversaries”

Published on April 10, 2024, 12:40 am

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In a recent expose, an authority with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has revealed startling insider information. This person asserted that representatives of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) were present during the January 6, 2021 protests at the U.S. Capitol. The undercover broadcast also unveiled strategies used by intelligence agencies to undermine political adversaries.

Gavin O’Blennis, who identifies as a Contracting Officer for the CIA and ex-member of the FBI, was recorded in conversation with an incognito journalist from Sound Investigations. During this exchange, O’Blennis alleged that former President Donald Trump instigated a riot and approximately 20 covert FBI agents were among the demonstrators.

When queried about his claim regarding FBI presence by the investigative reporter, he confirmed that there is always federal presence during large protests in Washington DC to keep things under control if necessary. Regrettably on this occasion, according to him, their numbers were inadequate to manage the situation fully. He implied that only around 20 members might have been present when arguably upwards of a thousand would have been required.

The video evidence indicates O’Blennis confirming that it wasn’t the FBI’s intention for public knowledge of agent involvement within these crowds. He goes so far as to say that people probably never will know.

It is worth noting here that Director Christopher Wray, representing the FBI publicly on multiple occasions has voiced doubts concerning undercover agents participating in events of January 6th.

Further into their conversation, O’Blennis expands on various tactics employed by agencies such as his against those identified as political opponents. According to him, with careful preparation they can navigate scenarios which entrap individuals; creating circumstances forcing them into impulsive reactions leading to legal action — a method some may consider entrapping.

An unorthodox technique allegedly used involves employing social media platforms for creating tensions or triggering outrage among targets under surveillance based on their social history and behavioral patterns.

Another attention-grabbing claim by O’Blennis touched upon Alex Jones as an instance of such targeted personalities. According to the CIA official, Jones was pursued intensively by the intelligence community because of his controversial broadcasts through InfoWars. He suggests that litigation and financial ruin were tactics employed against Jones to muffle his influence.

Discussing the Sandy Hook Shooting litigation involving Jones, O’Blennis pointed out that while Federal law enforcement cannot directly encourage legal steps, they can hint at possible civil lawsuits based on evidence at hand. It appears in some instances, this ‘nudge’ strategy is applied effectively leading to significant repercussions for selected targets as part of their tactical agenda.

Such revelations provide thought-provoking insights into our complex political landscape where trusted news is crucial alongside a healthy understanding from a Christian worldview. As we increasingly strive for real news surrounding pressing issues, a clear understanding of how various entities operate within our social fabric is crucial.

Original article posted by Fox News

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