“Indiana Pastor Launches Initiative to Combat ‘Woke’ Christianity and Maintain Biblical Teachings”

Published on March 2, 2024, 1:28 am

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In Indiana, Pastor Lucas Miles of the Nfluence Church has launched an initiative to engage Christian leaders nationwide in a quest to challenge and eliminate the creeping influence of “woke” Christianity that conflicts with biblical teachings and traditional faith doctrines. This significant endeavor has already garnered the support of 500 pastors from various denominations who have pledged to uphold sound biblical teachings and help eradicate woke beliefs from American pulpits.

This mission, named the “American Pastor Project,” was explained by Miles during an interview at the National Religious Broadcasters Convention. The project calls on pastors to commit to protecting their followers from the onslaughts of false teachings and ideologies such as Marxism, socialism, critical race theory (CRT), universalism, critical queer theory, climate alarmist theory, globalism and others that threaten age-old Christian faith practices.

Miles likens his project’s statement to historical Christian creeds like Nicene Creed and Apostle’s Creed, which encapsulate key doctrines while unifying Christians globally across varying denominations. He concedes this could prove a formidable task given numerous instances where secondary doctrines are often prioritized over essential ones.

In his interviews and writings, Miles expressed deep concern about progressive movements infiltrating Christian teaching and doctrine. His assertion is that oftentimes internal disagreements over theological matters distract from the more pressing danger presented by deceptive interpretations of Christianity.

“There’s virtually no difference between what we call the ‘progressive church’ or ‘the Christian Left’ and the current administration in office,” says Miles. According to him, similar standpoints exist on issues such as immigration policies, open borders, socialism, marriage practices, sexuality perspectives, gender theories among others.

Miles argues that these viewpoints starkly contrast settled scripture and Christian traditions stretching back two millennia — especially on matters like marriage norms, gender roles and sexuality postulations.

Miles describes “wokeism” as a synonym for cultural Marxism—one branch of Marxist theory postulating that oppressed classes will ultimately overthrow the yokes of their oppressors. He cautions that within the Christian faith, such doctrines present an alternative interpretation of Jesus, which threaten to cause schisms and lead to heretical beliefs.

In 2022, Miles authored “Woke Jesus: The False Messiah Destroying Christianity,” a book he describes as an informative guide on comprehending wokeism as it seeps into modern church practices. Miles believes that while Christian and Republican platforms are not identical, conservatism might be a superior solution for the nation than Marxism—arguing that Christian teachings guide toward free market economics, liberty of speech, and adherence to constitutional values rooted in Judeo-Christian philosophies.

Beyond these central issues, Miles spoke about “Sex Change Regret”—a website dedicated to supporting individuals wishing to reverse previous decisions of transitioning between genders. This platform, started by Walt Heyer—a man who once identified as transgender—is designed to offer mental health interventions for those grappling with similar experiences.

Now under the auspices of Miles’ Nfluence network, this online resource is poised for continued operation well into the future with Heyer tapped to provide mentorship training. Simultaneously pursuing his own speaking engagements on his journey thus far, Heyer continues sharing hope-filled messages globally while preparing for transition stewardship.

“I believe that there’s a wave of trauma that is going to be coming to the doors of the church in the next three, five, ten years like we’ve never seen before,” stated Miles—a reality necessitating strategies appearing in efforts like billboard campaigns promoting Sex Change Regret nationwide.

Original article posted by Fox News

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