“Hungary’s Opposition to Western Denial of Global Christian Persecution: A Wake-Up Call”

Published on March 14, 2024, 12:47 am

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In recent times, Hungary has been painted in a negative light by Western media, primarily due to its refusal to accept Muslim migrants—a stand starkly different from most Western nations. However, despite this portrayal, Hungary remains a persistent voice challenging Western contradictions, particularly when it comes to the alarming growth of Christian persecution across the globe.

Last year, Hungary made significant remarks condemning the West for downplaying the far-reaching incidence of Christian persecution. Tristan Azbej, state secretary at Hungary’s foreign ministry, criticized the West’s ‘denial’, asserting that everyday “Christians are murdered because of their religion”.

The defense mechanisms used by Western leaders and media houses to minimize Muslim persecution of Christians have often incorporated pretexts such as “grievances” and “economics”. The newest addition to these excuses is the subject of climate change.

Consequently, when 50 Christians were brutally killed inside their church on Pentecost Sunday 2022, President Michael Higgins of Ireland reacted not with a direct condemnation of Muslim violence but with an indictment against climate change and global warming.

However, in contrast to this denial is the harsh reality faced by Nigerian Christians who encounter horrifying acts of violence in what is broadly recognized as genocide. Since 2009 approximately 60,000 have been butchered or killed in horrifying manners and around 20,000 churches alongside Christian schools reduced to ashes by terrorists crying out “Allahu Akbar”- (God is Great).

Commenting on this alarming situation Sister Monica Chikwe, a Nigerian nun reinforces that labeling these conflicts as secular or economic clashes undermines their religious basis as Muslims persistently attack Christians resulting in consistent loss of lives while places worship face destruction.

As Azbej highlights the case where a Christian priest was burned alive by Muslims—an incident regrettably common in Nigeria—he stressed that condolences are insufficient and that proactive measures from international community are necessary.

However contradicting expectations for proactive action, the blatant ‘denial’ was amplified when the Biden administration de-listed Nigeria as a ‘Country of Particular Concern’ from its list. This decision denounced Nigeria – a country where approximately one Christian falls prey to brutal murder every two hours—as a violator of religious freedom.

Thousands of Christians continue to be targeted, kidnapped and killed in Nigeria while the government seems reluctant or incapable of halting these atrocities. The repercussion of this removal from Country of Particular Concern status for Nigeria can potentially embolden an increasingly authoritarian government that already appears reluctant to act.

John Eibner, president of Christian Solidarity International expressed his opinion stating: “Removal of this largely symbolic sign of concern is a denial of reality and indicates that the U.S. prefers pursuing its interests in western Africa through an alignment with Nigeria’s security elite at Christians and other victims’ expense.”

In conclusion, as genocidal campaigns are waged against Christians globally including nations like Armenia, American media and government seem more concerned about deflecting attention towards issues such as climate change rather than addressing real humanitarian problems faced by nations like Hungary who decline acceptance and potential suffering due to Muslim migration.
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Original article posted by Fox News

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