“House Speaker Mike Johnson Appeals for Stronger Measures Against China Over Religious Persecution and Human Rights Violations”

Published on February 2, 2024, 1:04 am

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In a recent appeal, House Speaker Mike Johnson, a Republican representative from Louisiana, called on the Biden administration to implement more forceful measures against the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The call came as a response to ongoing claims of genocide, human rights violations, and persecution of religious minorities, specifically the predominantly Muslim Uyghur community.

Addressing attendees at this year’s International Religious Freedom Summit held in Washington D.C., Johnson drew upon his experience as a defender of religious freedoms. His talk navigated through global threats posed to such liberties, making references to North Korea’s Kim Jong-un suppression of religious freedom and Myanmar’s continued ethnic cleansing of Rohingya Muslims. He further cited cases where Christians and minority Muslims in Nigeria have fallen prey to extremist violence and brutalities committed by regimes in Nicaragua and Cuba against Catholic clergy preaching against their rule.

Johnson did not shy away from flagging the sacrilegious acts carried out by the CCP. He noted how Tibetan Buddhists and Falun Gong practitioners were coerced into forced labor practices with added reports of organ harvesting orchestrated by the party.

The Louisiana Republican went into detail about Uyghur Muslims’ hardships living under the CCP’s ruthless schemes consisting forced sterilization, detention, indoctrination efforts targeting their faith. “Millions of Uyghurs are confined in overcrowded concentration camps where they endure torture and brainwashing,” he lamented noting that now is a crucial time for America to take action against genocide.

In front of an applauding audience, Johnson urged action from White House: “As China becomes increasingly cunning with its forced labor tactics, it’s incumbent upon our administration to uphold both -the letter and spirit- of the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act.” Echoing unity among parties he emphasized this issue goes beyond political ideologies or affiliations; Instead it reflects on American values which necessitate use all resources at disposal to scuttle any American role indirectly fueling this genocide.

According to this act, sanctioned by President Joe Biden in December 2021 and backed with unanimous Senate approval, the U.S aims to ban imports produced all or partly through forced labor from China specifically originating from Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of China.

Johnson wrapped up his address by drawing a link between persecution of religious minorities in these countries and subsequent socioeconomic stagnation. “It’s no coincidence that these highly oppressive countries offer least economic prosperity and social mobility compared to others. If you’re relentlessly targeted for your faith, chances are you’re living under tyranny,” he asserted.

“Economic growth thrives when followers of faith thrive. Freedom can only take root where it is cultivated,” Johnson concluded.

His remarks shed light on significant threats looming over religious freedom around the world. As purveyors of real news, from a Christian worldview, we continue our commitment towards amplifying trusted news across board which spotlight these pressing issues—because truth matters.

Original article posted by Fox News

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