“House Republicans Stand Against U.N. and WHO Initiatives Amid Concerns of Undermining U.S. Sovereignty and Free Speech”

Published on September 20, 2024, 12:44 am

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House Republicans are taking a stand against what they perceive as an effort by the United Nations (U.N.) and its World Health Organization (WHO) to undermine U.S. sovereignty and free speech. At the start of Constitution Week, GOP congressional leaders Rep. Ralph Norman, R-S.C., and Rep. Bob Good, R-Va., rallied their colleagues to counter these entities’ ongoing initiatives.

According to Good, there is a desire from the Biden-Harris administration for U.S. compliance with and governance by the U.N.’s World Health Assembly and WHO. He states that there is an attempt in play to transform the U.N. from being an international cooperative body into an international governing body.

The media’s lack of attention to this issue has dismayed Good, who believes this is pivotal breaking news given its potential impact on the country and American people.

In upcoming development sessions, parties within the United Nations will deliberate over international agreements such as “the Summit of the Future”, which proposes initiating several authoritative mechanisms aimed at managing global crises more effectively.

Of these mechanisms includes an “emergency platform” proposed under The Pact for the Future that would bring about increased centralization of power within the office of U.N Secretary-General António Guterres. These empowerment measures aim to efficiently combat “global shocks” – significant world events igniting socioeconomic disruptions or environmental degradations.

Notably also up for discussion is The Declaration on Future Generations which advocates equal opportunity futures through combating poverty, hunger, inequality, and injustice across generations.

Furthermore, efforts towards establishing a Global Digital Compact have raised eyebrows among proponents of internet freedom and data privacy rights. Under this mandate, it lays out plans by the United Nations to regulate technology use, combat misinformation or disinformation online promoting standards everyone must adhere to according to its Common Agenda document.

Republicans argue implementing such a consensus threatens Americans’ free speech rights as ceding control over information management processes to the United Nations effectively undermines U.S. sovereignty.

House Republicans further claim that attempts by the WHO to centralize emergency powers without appropriate vetting processes defy democratic principles. This is primarily in relation to amendments proposed by U.S Department of Health and Human Services in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, potentially granting expanded autonomy to member nations under the WHO’s International Health Regulations.

Although facing criticism for their handling of pressing China on its role during COVID-19 crisis, WHO’s proposed pandemic agreement isn’t a formal treaty which would require ratification from Senate first, hence could be approved without following standard procedures warns GOP congressmen.

In response to these developments, House recently passed a bill (HR 1425) requiring
“any convention, agreement, or other international instrument on pandemic prevention…to be subject to Senate ratification.”

Those who prioritize maintaining control over national interests such as Kristen Ullman, president of conservative group Eagle Forum commend GOP lawmakers efforts who believes “United Nations and WHO want to become the lawmaking body to tell us what to do”.

For Americans concerned with upholding trusted news and promoting a Christian worldview, these breaking real news demonstrate how lawmakers like Norman are eager to emphasize that sovereign power should not be handed over: “It’s time for America to stand up for America and not cede our power that we rightfully have,” he remarked proudly.

Original article posted by Fox News

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