“House Committees Push Forward on Contempt Charges Against Hunter Biden Despite Consent to Testify”

Published on January 13, 2024, 12:45 am

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Chairs of the House Judiciary and Oversight Committees confirmed on Friday their intention to press forward contempt of Congress charges against President Biden’s son, Hunter Biden. This decision prevails despite a recent agreement by Hunter Biden to testify, a move that defers from his previous defiance of subpoenas – a key factor leading to the contempt charges.

Representatives Jim Jordan (R-OH) and James Comer (R-KY), who chair the respective committees, clarified: “While we are heartened that Hunter Biden now says he will comply with a subpoena, make no mistake: Hunter Biden has already defied two valid, lawful subpoenas.” They added that the House would persist with contempt charges until Hunter confirms an appearance date for a private deposition in accordance with legal obligations.

Despite varying between uncooperative and defiant responses from Hunter Biden and his legal team, Friday marked a more cooperative tone. His recent willingness to sit for deposition is indeed a conspicuous shift in tactic. Previously, his camp consistently argued he would only appear at public hearings. His absence from last month’s deposition stirred Republicans to proceed with contempt of Congress charges.

Multiple insiders have assured The Messenger Republicans are confident they possess sufficient votes for passing contempt charges through the House. Allegedly, there’s a plan for organizing this vote next week.

Ever since President Joe Biden was Vice President, allegations of corruption have been entwined around him and in particular, his son Hunter involving dubious dealings with foreign governments such as Ukraine and China. Currently subject to an impeachment inquiry is President Biden himself while concurrently his son is also battling tax evasion charges in California.

While Republicans within the House actively pursue these graft allegations surrounding the Bidens as part of ongoing activities, Democratic silence has been rather puzzling – with no sign so far of principled politicians within their ranks loudly demanding answers from either administration figures or members of the Biden family.

On one hand insiders stress how determined Republicans show little interest in the impeachment inquiry into President Biden and aim to tarnish his son’s reputation for political benefits. On the other, Democrats appear more invested in defensive strategies than ensuring transparency of events.

In conclusion, the unfolding situation surrounding Hunter Biden continues to embody an ongoing narrative colored by real news and trusted news; a modern political drama underscored by a Christian worldview sense of fair play and justice.

Original article posted by Fox News

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