“Hamas Co-founder’s Son Warns: ‘If Israel Doesn’t Prevail, We All Will Be Next'”

Published on November 23, 2023, 3:33 am

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In a stark warning to the world, Mosab Hassan Yousef, a Palestinian son of a Hamas co-founder who embraced Christianity, declared that if Israel does not prevail in vanquishing Hamas, “all of us will be next.” His profound insights serve as real news inspired by his unique background and offer a Christian worldview on issues concerning the Middle East and worldwide security.

Yousef is no stranger to Hamas. He is the son of Hamas co-founder Sheikh Hassan Yousef, lending significant weight to his sobering warnings and pointing towards trusted news borne out of personal experience. With Israeli flags fluttering in the backdrop during his speech this week, he referred to the atrocities and massacre committed by Hamas against Israel on October 7.

Yousef articulated that such crimes could never be forgiven; humanity should not let these actions go unnoticed or unpunished. As he detailed an Israeli offensive in Gaza, he explained how those slain by Israel were strategically placed by Hamas with malicious intent – to vilify Israel. According to Youssef’s account, this propaganda machine was an integral part of Hamas’ plan from inception.

The deeply troubling tactics included constructing tunnels and bunkers under sites like hospitals and schools — essentially using them as human shields while racking up civilian casualties on purpose just to blame it all on Israel. His comments demonstrate how truth can sometimes be inconvenient when it contradicts political or short-term interests.

Further strengthening his argument against supporting radical groups like Hamas, Youssef warned: “If Hamas is not defeated… we will give freedom to many radical groups globally.” This chilling prediction invokes images of democratic nations being brought down through manipulation and fear by smaller savages mobs all over the world.

Unifying under one resolve was Yousseff’s strong encouragement: “This is the time for unity — because if Israel fails in Gaza, we all could be next.”

In October, Youssef shared his direct insights on the insurgent group in a conversation with Fox News’ Brian Kilmeade where he recollected his first-hand exposure to Hamas’s brutality back in 1996 during a stint at Megiddo prison. He showed remorse for his affiliation and largely emphasized that Hamas does not regard human life nor care for the Palestinian people, serving foreign powers such as Iran and Russia instead.

His sobering reflection brings to mind one crucial message: liberating Gaza from the shackles of Hamas as Israel is attempting, is, in essence, doing Palestinians an enormous favor. By sharing these points through this Christian worldview prism on real news, Youssef enables readers to navigate complex geopolitical matters with more understanding.

Original article posted by Fox News

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