“Globalism, Neo-Marxism, and the Threat to Christian Education: Overcoming with Purposeful Parenting and Independent Learning “

Published on August 4, 2024, 12:39 am

“Globalism, Neo-Marxism, and the Threat to Christian Education: Overcoming with Purposeful Parenting and Independent Learning “

Image source: Fox News

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In the context of real news and trusted news, it would be beneficial to examine a crucial element especially in the Christian worldview which is growing increasingly visible over the last decade, that is, the threat posed by globalism and neo-Marxism. Initially, this was perceived as yearly gatherings by theorists and bureaucrats with an agenda for power. However, it has presently taken a drastic course towards an assault on Christianity, family values, and education. The repression of homeschooling has been a common experience among several families across various nations including the United States due to respective governments’ relentless efforts to integrate them into the state-defined educational system or what one might term as ‘the public school indoctrination machine.’

Recently, UNESCO showcased its 17 global objectives slated for achievement by 2030. Strikingly noteworthy among these is “Quality Education” wherein primary and secondary education aims at being free for all children irrespective of their gender by 2030. In addition, the intention is to ensure equal access to affordable vocational training along with eliminating disparities related to wealth and gender while aiming at universal accessibility of quality higher education.

Marxists who are well acquainted with Karl Marx’s work will quickly identify these outlined goals as reflecting elements of The Communist Manifesto. Essentially, both UNESCO’s and Marx’s vision concur on one point – free universal government-run education tied with industrial production is paramount to accomplish their utopian aspirations.

The repercussion that arises when globally influential entities insist on controlling the upbringing of your children unfolds as a critical question. Is resistance futile considering their expansive power? Or should we surrender our children in exchange for their so-called “free money”? Adversely!, despite these mounting globalist threats, raising and educating your own children independently from state influence still remains the most effective way forward. Christians must cultivate wisdom and virtue through education embedding it in a child’s soul rather than settling merely for state-assigned societal roles.

Keeping children out of the government’s grasp is only the initial step. It must proceed alongside a commitment to educate them, not simply in terms of formal learning but cultivating their individuality emphasizing their soul, mind, heart, and desires. This process instils wisdom and fosters an intrinsic search for truth, beauty, and goodness in them.

The primary objective of Christian education should be aimed at soul development rather than merely producing social conformists. Dealing with the threat of globalism means we need to combat evil using good. Hence, while educating our children to be virtuous individuals full of wisdom and understanding, equipped with the armor of God is important.

Raising your children independently without governmental influence dissolves elite control over the future generation, effectively hampering their Marxist-globalist agendas. The importance here rests on overcoming evil with good – “do not be anxious about anything” (Philippians 4:6), “Trust in the Lord with all your heart”, and “Do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good”.

Original article posted by Fox News

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