“Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis Claims Racial Bias Amidst Ethics Allegations and Legal Disputes”

Published on January 16, 2024, 1:42 am

[{"tldr": "District Attorney Fani Willis, amid allegations of ethical and legal violations, argued that she has been singled out due to her racial background. She is facing criticism for a RICO lawsuit against former U.S President Donald Trump and accusations of profiting financially from appointing Nathan Wade as the special prosecutor, whom she is rumored to be romantically involved with. Willis counterargued that she does not need assistance, given her near three-decade experience in the field. The allegations include openly indicting county officers while soliciting additional funds for compensating Wade; vacation expenses at taxpayers' cost which may constitute a federal offense; and neglecting to take necessary consent before Wade's appointment. Records indicate Wade received over $650,000 since January 2022 under assignments approved by Willis."}]}

In the midst of an intense week filled with allegations of ethical and legal violations, District Attorney of Fulton County, Fani Willis, addressed the congregation at Big Bethel AME Church in Atlanta, Georgia. Willis argued that she has been singled out due to her racial background.

Willis is currently helming a disputed RICO lawsuit targeting former U.S President Donald Trump and several key participants over alleged election interference. The DA also stands accused of designating Nathan Wade, rumored to be her romantic involvement, as the special prosecutor for the case and subsequently profiting from this association financially.

At a sermon that spanned about half an hour on Sunday, Willis told those present,”They only attacked one. First thing they say, ‘Oh, she’s going to play the race card now.’ But it isn’t me; aren’t they playing the race card when they solely question one person?” She added as a counterpoint against those constantly suggesting she needs assistance from professionals from different jurisdictions or states in handling her work—something she has nearly three decades worth of experience dealing with.

The string of accusations leveled against Willis include openly indicting county officers while soliciting additional funds for compensating Wade; elaborate vacation trips with Wade at taxpayers’ expense which could constitute a federal offense; and negligence in taking consent from authorities before appointing him—an action mandated by Georgian law. Records indicate that since January 2022, Wade received payments exceeding $650,000 under assignments Willis seems to have personally approved.

According to trusted news sources like The Wall Street Journal reports further incriminating information: Willis is compelled to testify in Wade’s pressing divorce litigation filed around November 2021 with his spouse.

During her address at Big Bethel AME Church, where she expressed God’s direction for her to pray for Republican Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (Georgia). Interacting humorously with parishioners through shared laughter and applause regarding this new divine injunction, she shared, “God, wait a minute, I ain’t there yet — I’m still in my walk with You. This is me and my Lord talking. God, I don’t really want to do that. I ain’t feeling it.”

Willis concluded the anecdote recounting God’s eventual message commanding her: “Do as I said, child. I am using her (Greene) to grow you. Pray for her. I am using all of these experiences to fortify you.”

The real news of Willis’s speech provides an intriguing perspective on both personal narratives from leaders who are Christian individuals and the influence of their Christian worldview on wider politics and legal proceedings.

Original article posted by Fox News

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