“From Critic to Supporter: Ben Shapiro’s Unexpected Endorsement of Donald Trump for 2024 Presidential Race”

Published on March 16, 2024, 1:10 am

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Renowned conservative commentator Ben Shapiro, erstwhile champion of the ‘Never Trump’ movement, has now surprisingly reversed his stance. Emphasizing this turnaround, Shapiro divulged in his podcast last Friday that he will co-host a fundraiser for Donald Trump, the predicted Republican candidate, as part of concerted efforts to prevent President Joe Biden from winning another term.

Shapiro clarified in his announcement that while he would have much rather supported Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, given current circumstances with Trump being the presumptive nominee, he was willing to “walk over broken glass” to cast a vote in favor of him. He firmly asserted his belief that America was more secure and prosperous under Trump’s reign than it is presently under Biden’s administration.

Amidst reasons justifying supporting the re-election of Donald Trump were noteworthy improvements in multiple sectors during his tenure. These included a flourishing economy, stringent handling of illegal immigration issues, absence of extreme ideologies in federal institutions and triumphant international policies.

However, despite his decision to support Trump, Shapiro stressed on maintaining an unbiased perspective: “As I’ve said before—the criticisms or praises I hold about Donald Trump will be nothing but honest.” He further explained that even though Trump wasn’t his first preference initially largely due to perceived character flaws and policy differences—his main duty as an American citizen mandates fair judgments.

Comparing potential presidential choices as being binary─ either voting for Donald Trump or Joe Biden─Shapiro compelled others who initially preferred another GOP nominee like him to think likewise. Citing mounting concerns about another tenure under Biden potentially paving way for Kamala Harris’s leadership and pushing America further into adopting far-left ideals; he maintains that the only solution is electing Donald Trump as President once again.

Pointing towards precedent set by both leaders’ past administrative styles; Shapiro expressed dire worries about repercussions for America if faced with another term under President Biden or realistically─Kamala Harris next. He firmly resolved not only to vote but also invest his money in Trump’s campaign because of the significant stakes involved in the upcoming election.

This firm acceptance of Trump being dictated as both the presumptive nominee and leader of the Republican Party marks a significant shift for Shapiro who although voted for Trump in the previous 2020 elections did so reluctantly, realizing he was essentially a conservative.

Contrarily, former Vice President Mike Pence confirmed his decision to abstain from endorsing Donald Trump in this election cycle during an interview on Fox News last Friday. Pence revealed his pride over their administration’s record that presented America as more secure, prosperous and facilitated appointment of conservatives to judicial positions.

In conclusion, Ben Shapiro, once a vocal critic of Donald Trump, is now rallying behind him while Mike Pence shies away from endorsing him. So indeed, it seems times have changed as real news emerges confirming political alliances shifting under the constant tug-of-war for a Christian worldview amidst trusted news sources.

Original article posted by Fox News

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