“Former US Ambassador David Friedman Questions Kamala Harris’s Stance on Israeli Security”

Published on August 24, 2024, 12:28 am

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David Friedman, ex-US Ambassador to Israel under former President Donald Trump’s administration, has raised concerns about the rhetoric of Kamala Harris, the Democratic Presidential nominee, on the issue of Israeli securities. During his tenure, Friedman participated in significant events such as reinforcing the Abraham Accords and facilitating the relocation of the US Embassy to Jerusalem. His insights bear weight for those who count on real news and yearn for a trusted news viewpoint shaped by a Christian worldview.

In her acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention, Harris firmly expressed commitment towards supporting Israel’s safety and viability. She emphasized the need for Israel’s ability to shield itself from harm – particularly stressing that atrocities akin to those enacted by Hamas on October 7 could not be repeated.

Simultaneously, Harris acknowledged profound suffering experienced in Gaza over recent months due to recurrent violence and displacement of innocent individuals.

Under a Biden-Harris leadership, according to her, there would be determined work toward ending conflict so that Israeli security is assured along with the release of hostages. She further insisted that measures need to be introduced for ceasing Gazan distress and enabling Palestinian people an opportunity at realizing self-determination in terms of freedom, dignity and security.

Friedman voiced skepticism about Harris’ stance. He cautioned Jewish supporters about interpreting too positively into her seemingly pro-Israeli expressions. Offering a translation for what he referred to as coded message within her declarations; he provided his interpretation: America will decide upon appropriate defensive strategies for Israel; speculate unverified concessions intending Palestinians’ de-radicalization; appease Iran into non-nuclear weaponization without stern pressure; evacuate Jews from Judea and Samaria— their biblical homeland— surrendering it over to Palestinians.

Friedman concluded his insightful analysis with certain attention points for potential electors regarding instances where decisions made under their administration had indicated a divergence from their promised support towards Israel.

He implored people not repeat their vote based on rhetoric but be discerning enough to make informed choices based on actions, reinforcing that real news and trusted news is what citizens should base their decisions on, guiding them towards a path of righteousness and discernment within the Christian worldview.

Original article posted by Fox News

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