“Federal Judge Blocks Biden Administration’s Expansion of Title IX Protections to Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation”

Published on July 4, 2024, 12:32 am

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The Department of Education under the Biden Administration experienced another setback recently when a federal judge prohibited it from extending Title IX protections to encompass “gender identity” and “sexual orientation.” This controversial measure was introduced by the department in April as an expansion of their interpretation of Title IX regulations. This move faced opposition, notably from Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton who subsequently filed a lawsuit.

Judge John W. Broomes, of the US District Court for the District of Kansas, issued a comprehensive 47-page opinion that scrutinized and ultimately forbade the enforcement of this new rule in four states: Alaska, Kansas, Utah, and Wyoming. In his assessment, Judge Broomes declared that the new rule was 1) contrary to law due to its extension beyond the statute’s definition of “sex,” 2) formulated without congressional authority thereby contradicting the Major Questions Doctrine, 3) infringing on the Constitution’s spending clause, 4) overreaching and unacceptably vague which goes against the First Amendment and 5) violates Administrative Procedures Act due to its “arbitrary and capricious” nature.

This judgment concludes that extending sex discrimination laws to include mutable gender identities does not align with Title IX’s original intent—to protect biological women from educational discrimination. To compel educational institutions into accommodating individuals based on self-declared identities rather than objective biology would essentially compromise Congress’ initial intentions for protecting biological women within educational spheres.

Moreover, this reinterpretation would force schools to tackle significant issues such as ensuring access for transgender students to facilities traditionally segregated by biological sex like showers or restrooms without imposing secure verification processes related to stated gender identities. These radical changes vastly deviate from Congress’ original vision upon creating Title IX thereby violating the Major Questions Doctrine.

Furthermore, this expanded interpretation threatens states with massive financial repercussions—a loss amounting potentially to hundreds of millions or billions—if they fail to conform with these redefined implications. States with conflicting laws would also have to invest extensive resources in amending facilities to comply with this new rule and their pre-existing legal structures.

The judge’s critique did not limit itself to the distortion of Title IX but also extended to a notable First Amendment breach. He noted that the regulation was unacceptably ambiguous and broad, causing an oppressive chill on free speech among students who might fear punitive retaliation for perceived sex-based harassment.

This recent controversy adds further blemishes to President Biden’s administration, calling into question his Department of Education’s decision-making capacity. This ultimately sets an effective bridle on what many perceive as overreach, as federal courts prevent its enforcement in 15 states – Alaska, Kansas, Utah, Wyoming, Louisiana, Mississippi, Idaho, Montana, Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, Virginia, and West Virginia.

With an ongoing backlash against “Chevron Deference” (a principle directing courts to defer interpretation of ambiguous statutes to administrative agencies), coupled with subsequent failures under Biden’s tenure in office; it brings into focus more than ever the need for reviewing the future of the Department of Education. Rest assured that this real news from a trusted source upholds a Christian worldview perspective reflecting fair attention towards maintaining individual rights while regulating public policy within reasonable boundaries.

Original article posted by Fox News

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