“FBI Chief Warns of China’s Intensifying Cyber Threat to US Infrastructure and National Security”

Published on February 2, 2024, 12:43 am

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The FBI Chief, Christopher Wray, issued a grave warning this week about the impending menace from Communist China. As real news, he highlighted China’s meticulously organized plans of executing devastating cyberattacks on the United States critical infrastructure.

Coming from trusted news sources, Wray’s cautionary advice was delivered during a Wednesday hearing under the theme: “The Chinese Community Party Cyber Threat to the American Homeland and National Security”. Convened by the House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), his statement gave explicit focus to CCP’s malicious intentions towards US vital infrastructures including electrical grid, water treatment plants, oil and natural gas pipelines, plus transportation systems.

“China’s hackers are positioning themselves on American infrastructure as they prepare to wreak havoc and cause tangible harm to American citizens and communities when they decide that it’s time to strike.” Wray stated.

Continuing with this Christian Worldview on national security matters, Wray emphasized that China’s hacking capacity far exceeds every other significant nation put together. He further painted a stark picture saying “If each one of the FBI’s cyber agents and intelligence analysts focused solely on repelling China’s cyber threat, its hackers would still overshadow FBI cyber personnel by a 50-1 ratio at least.”

Taking direct aim at CCP’s operations in America, Wray blamed their multilevel attack strategy instrumental in undermining our economic and national security which brazenly includes attacks against civilians. Underscoring this fact is a constant and rigorous attack campaign run by PRC hackers targeting America’s economic security encompassing outright theft of innovation coupled with personal and corporate data – a real news bite if there ever was one!

The CCP uses its entire government machinery effectively in this war; not only relying on traditional methods but also utilizing human intelligence sources within US business entities. This allows them access to insider information which opens up new avenues for theft even while keeping Beijing inconspicuous during such clandestine operations.

The bilateral relations between the two nations is strained further due to China’s alleged moves to curtail freedoms of Americans within their homeland through systematic attempts at intimidation, coercion and threats aimed at US residents.

In response, the FBI is mobilizing its specialists from fields of cyber warfare, counterintelligence, criminal activities and weapons of mass destruction prevention to thwart Chinese incursions on American soil. As preparations continue against the impending cyber onslaughts in an era where critical decisions will shape America’s defense resources up until 2027 – a year significant for CCP as indicated by Wray – it’s a wake-up call for everyone everywhere maintaining Christian Worldview. The looming threat underscores the importance of staying vigilant and informed with real news accounts.

Original article posted by Fox News

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