“Faith over Fear: Schibler Family’s Inspirational Battle Against Cancer”

Published on November 29, 2023, 1:34 am

“Faith over Fear: Schibler Family’s Inspirational Battle Against Cancer”

Image source: Fox News

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Cory Schibler, the worship pastor at Beacon Baptist Church in Bryan, Texas and director of the Association of Baptist Students, has spent numerous years engaging in a brave battle against Follicular Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma. Currently dealing with a deadly mutation of the cancer, Schibler now faces an additional challenge as his wife Crystal has received her own sobering diagnosis.

“My wife has told me multiple times that she would have peace about it if this is the end for her. We and her closest friends, however, don’t share this peace,” shares Schibler. Nevertheless, this husband and father remains firm in his belief: “We truly do trust that God is bigger than our circumstances and whatever happens, we’re going to continue to praise Him.”

The journey began for Schibler upon his engagement in 2012 when he stumbled upon news of Follicular Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma—a slow-growing form of non-Hodgkin lymphoma which originates from white blood cells vital to human immune system—through what he calls “divine intervention”. It was post an accident immediately after their engagement day examination that doctors located potential presence of cancer within him.

Reflecting back on being under ‘watchful waiting’ – a phrase commonly used by medical professionals indicating a decision to wait until conditions deteriorate before stepping into action- he mentions how by December 2020 it became apparent that his cancer had escalated its infiltration. The previously localized tumor within his abdomen was found extending towards his throat region.

The following tests further established disturbing news: the cancer had undergone Richter transformation. This changes the discussions significantly as the transformed variant of cancer known as Diffuse Large B Cell lymphoma is indeed much more aggressive but fortunately more treatable simultaneously.

Schibler initiated six months long chemotherapy starting from 2021 and was declared cancer-free by June that year itself. Despite claiming victory over the deadly disease, Schibler and his wife have been engaged in a struggle against the post-chemotherapy side effects for the last couple of years.

The fight against cancer was not yet over for the Schibler family. On November 11, both husband and wife learnt that they were being simultaneously attacked by different forms of cancer. Cory admits that these developments brought forth feelings of devastation but despite these challenges, their faith remains unbroken, believing in their God’s master plan.

Cory explained on Monday to the trusted news source that Crystal’s diagnosis is for a rare neuroendocrine cancer which fortunately is treatable. As far as he himself concerns, decisions are currently on hold until complete pathology reports are in hands.

The ordeal is naturally taking its toll on their two young children aged 10 and 4 respectively. The younger one struggles with the comprehension of current happenings while Schibler reflects upon how challenging it has been for his smart 10-year-old daughter to process what her parents are going through, partly drawing from her experience when her father underwent chemo three years ago.

One ray of hope amid this trying time for Schiblers has come from their church community and their circle of blood relatives who’ve extended significant support during deep struggles faced currently by the family.

While witnessing people reaching out to them in support from all corners—some who haven’t corresponded within more than twenty years—he professes his belief: “We trust that God is bigger than an individual’s experiences.” Despite admitting how challenging it has been putting his family through treatment hardships, he takes solace in witnessing God working through these trials towards better good despite a personally painful journey.

Irrespective of circumstances prevailing around him, Cory Schibler bases his hope on firm foundations nurtured within a Christian worldview. Driven by such vision, he bravely continues fighting cancer trusting fully on real news coming directly from specialists and faithful prayers rising from friends, family and the larger Christian community.

Original article posted by Fox News

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