“Exploring Humanity’s Intrinsic Knowledge of God: Insights from Stephen Charnock and The Bible Verses of Romans”

Published on March 9, 2024, 12:45 am

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In his remarkable work “The Existence and Attributes of God,” Puritan theologian Stephen Charnock delves into the nature of man’s rebelliousness against divine principles, exposing the human penchant for censoring discomforting truths. Charnock contends that humanity, in its infatuation with sin, seeks to nullify rules restricting it and by extension yearns for a radical transformation of God’s holy nature. Thus, this yearning could be interpreted as a subtle desire for the eradication of God.

Charnock’s take on man’s subversive attributes aligns neatly with two verses from Paul in Romans. Firstly, Romans 1:18-23 denounces those who refuse to recognize the evident truth about God and deliberately obscure that truth through unrighteous deeds. It asserts that every person is aware of God due to His clear signs in creation, hence disbelievers are essentially self-deluding and misleading others around them.

Furthermore, Paul narrates how resentment against this deep-rooted knowledge provokes people into suppressing the fearsome wrath and judgement of an omnipresent deity they palpably know exists. Their notion of wisdom becomes a farce as they depart from recognising the unquestionable majesty of an immortal God, choosing instead to worship perishable human-like figures or animals.

Paralleling this, Romans 2:15-16 narrates how Gentiles display proof that they innately understand God’s unalterable rules through their intuitive moral compass – conscience. Coupled with witnessing His grandeur unfold in nature externally, individuals also experience internal responses to violations against these holy laws originally imprinted upon hearts at creation.

Thus, we can infer humanity has consistent exposure to evidence testifying towards the reality, holiness and fairness intrinsic to divine providence. However, longing to remain oblivious to this certainty triggers hostility against God solely from sinful beings who crave freedom from these uncomfortable realizations.

Interestingly, we commonly see so-called “atheists” picking battles solely with the Bible’s Triune God and not any other form of religious expression; a telling sign that it is specifically the Christian God to whom they don’t wish to be accountable. Their protests are telltale signs of subconsciously recognized guilt, fear of retribution and a desperate attempt to suppress these incriminating thoughts.

In conclusion, despite apparent disbelief, their silent consent to religions disinterested in morality betrays a core understanding and recognition affirmed by Charnock – that humans inherently know the one true God but deliberately choose to reject His existence.

Switching gears from theological discourse, there have been noteworthy happenings in the realm of real news from a Christian worldview, bringing trusted news summaries of recent events. The selected highlights range from crucial court verdicts fortifying religious liberty and health rights; judicial appointments impacting constitutional fidelity; emergent societal shifts menacing traditional family value systems; critiques on modern-day faux theologians distorting biblical truths for secular causes; interfaith dialogues raising questions about critical theological differences; bizarre little-god heresies surfacing amongst charismatic congregations advocating human deification similar to God; compromising practices within revered theological software platforms selling explicit content materials; and cultural dilemmas concerning legalizing cognition-altering substances like marijuana amidst escalating global moral chaos.

Original article posted by Fox News

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