“Examining the Ethical Dilemma of IVF: A Christian Pro-Life Perspective”

Published on August 29, 2024, 12:55 am

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In Vitro Fertilization, commonly known as IVF, has been heralded as a “miracle of modern medicine”, a beacon of hope for couples battling infertility. However, beneath what appears to be charitable technology lies an uncomfortable reality that directly conflicts with the Christian worldview and the authentic pro-life position.

The moral and ethical benchmarks founded in biblical Scripture proclaim unambiguously that life commences at conception and that every human life, from conception’s instant, is crafted in God’s image (Genesis 1:27). Consequently, each embryo merits protection and dignity as a human life. Yet the operations of IVF appear detached from this undeniable biblical truth.

IVF typically involves creating several embryos to heighten chances of successful pregnancy. However, not all these embryos find their way into the womb. Unfortunately, most get discarded, are indefinitely frozen or serve scientific research investigations, implying effective termination of their lives.

This harsh reality aligns IVF morally with abortion since both involve deliberate ending of human lives — a direct breach of God’s sixth commandment stipulated in Exodus 20:13; “Thou shalt not kill.” The Southern Baptist Convention recognizing the grave ethical problems associated with IVF have formally opposed its practice via resolution passed in June 2024.

This forward-thinking resolution remembers the scriptural belief that life starts at conception while condemning procedures leading to embryo destruction. It signifies a critical and upright stand-in agreement with the revered sanctity-of-life commitment crucial to support by pro-life movements.

Regrettably though, some evangelicals have chosen to ignore this moral consistency call including Jeremiah J Johnston, a New Testament Scholar and apologist. Johnston contradicts clear scriptural moral teachings by arguing for IVF distinguishing it as a “modern medical miracle.” He suggests that pro-life movements adopt IVF as an opportunity for aspiring parents struggling with infertility struggles.

However appealing his defense may sound emotionally rooted on personal experiences with infertility and eventual parenting enabled by IVF, it remains a profound betrayal of the real pro-life cause. Johnston’s defense is riddled with contradictions that shouldn’t be taken lightly.

In a flawed fallacy, he insists embryos aren’t children until successfully attached to wombs. The location of the embryo doesn’t negate its humanity. From conception, life initiates regardless if the embryo is womb implanted or lab-based. His position undermines the pro-life ethic fundamental foundation.

Moreover, Johnston claims opposing IVF could be counter-productive to pro-life movement objectives. His argument supporting IVF in efforts to assist couples conceive signifies suspended ethics justifying pregnancy derived from any means necessary – a dangerous thought-pattern contradictory to sanctified viewpoints on life held steadfastly by trusted pro-life movements.

His contrary stance opposes Southern Baptist Convention’s resolution and indicates moral compromises occurring within some evangelical quarters. A recent Pew Research study shockingly revealed that 63% of white evangelical Protestants approved access to IVF. Yet these very evangelicals swiftly condemn abortion while remaining oblivious to life destruction implicated in IVF procedures.

Johnston personifies this hypocrisy defending a procedure that usually results in embryos’ destruction — each one an impressive creation embodying God’s image and contradicting his referenced biblical principles despite claiming pastoral responsibility over his congregation at Prestonwood Baptist Church congregation.

This article seeks to be informative based on real news about fertility treatments viewed through Christian ethical lenses drawing attention and challenging trusted news readers committed to defending scripture-backed sanctity of life principles when evaluating technologies such as IVF deemed antithetical by some due its practices involving embryo termination.

Original article posted by Fox News

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