“Examining Biden’s Controversial Immigration Stance and the Grave Consequences of Drunk Driving Policies”

Published on February 3, 2024, 12:47 am

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During the 2020 presidential campaign, Joe Biden was not frequently in the public eye answering unexpected questions. Whenever he did interviews, they were generally with sympathetic platforms that often strived to help him through difficult questions. Nevertheless, some of his statements remained remarkably controversial.

For instance, a significant mishap occurred in January 2020 at an “election forum” hosted by Vice. Here, Biden was asked about how he would change Immigrations and Customs Enforcement’s “culture,” to which he responded in a rather surprising manner that left even the supportive Vice interviewers at a loss for words. Biden expressed that if any ICE officer arrested an illegal immigrant for committing a federal misdemeanor—which is within their job description—he would terminate them. Further, Biden declared drunk driving to be a misdemeanor; however, it can indeed be classified as felony depending on circumstances.

These assertions were particularly strange coming from Biden who previously posited his wife and daughter died from a drunk driver—an assertion later proven false—and now bizarrely endorsed the notion that illegal aliens could drink and drive in the United States without fear of deportation or arrest.

The promotion of policies like this could result in increased drunk-driving accidents every year as it may give criminals encouragement to commit more crimes without fearing deportation if they transgress. Four years ago, many dismissed these comments as simple mistakes, gaffes even; but these ideas are proving to be an integral part of this Democratic Party’s platform—asserting implicitly that immigrants should face no consequences for drunk driving.

Recently however, there has been action concerning this issue—a bill was introduced seeking automatic deportation for any illegal immigrants found guilty of either misdemeanor or felony drunk driving offenses and also tightening entrance provisions into the country for non-citizens convicted of DUI elsewhere. Despite opposition from some Democrats in Congress who voted against this bill out of lenience towards foreign citizens breaching America’s laws potentially endangering citizens’ lives—the bill passed (274-150).

Continuing steps to strengthen this law enforcement area—particularly in light of numerous fatalities and near-deaths caused by drunk-driving illegal aliens—are vital. Cases like that of Jose Menjivar arrested for killing two citizens, after an extensive track record of probation and DUIs violations; Elifeo Agustin who was deported twice before being involved in a potentially fatal accident; or Juan Felix-Avendano allegedly ending up killing a fellow citizen in Wisconsin showcase the necessity for such legislation.

Nevertheless, Rep Pramila Jayapal argued against these stringent measures, expressing her concern about the word “illegals” and wanting to provide leeway for less-serious offenses. These objections are only shadows veiling a real tragedy: foreign nationals illegally residing in the United States pose significant risk towards law-abiding citizens when they choose to operate vehicles under the influence of alcohol.

At this point, reducing the influx of illegal immigrants is not enough. America cannot compromise on this matter any longer. It’s either secure borders or confront the grave repercussions as more innocent Americans suffer from calamitous circumstances ensued by intoxicated illegal immigrants behind wheels.

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Original article posted by Fox News

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