“Escalating Threat to Christian Religious Freedom in the West: A Revealing Study”

Published on February 5, 2024, 1:13 am

“Escalating Threat to Christian Religious Freedom in the West: A Revealing Study”

Image source: Fox News

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The religious freedom of Christians in Western countries is under escalating threat, with at least 168 incidents of violation reported between January 2020 and December 2023, reveals a have been revealed by a recent study conducted by the Family Research Council’s Center for Religious Liberty. These violations spanned across 16 countries and ranged from arrests to fines imposed for public preaching, praying, penalties against expressing biblically-founded beliefs, and punitive measures taken against non-compliant pastors concerning COVID-19 restrictions that were far strict for religious institutions compared to their secular peers.

Drawing from multiple sources such as open-source documents, news reports, and media outlets presented in the report “Free to Believe? The Intensifying Intolerance Toward Christians in the West”, it’s clear that there is an unsettling trend of state-sanctioned actions clashing with Christian practices. The findings highlight a staggering number of these incidents happening within western democracies including notable cases like teachers fired for questioning changes in district policies about gender identity issues or Pastors investigated for conducting weddings off-limits due to COVID-19 lockdowns.

Tony Perkins, president of FRC and former chair of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom voiced his concern about this rise in hostility towards Christians in the West noting increasing authoritarian measures negatively affecting those practicing their faith. Meanwhile, Arielle Del Turco – author of this report and director at FRC’s Center for Religious Liberty stands alarmed at how quickly this erosion is taking place inspite of reduction of COVID-related restrictions.

This comes alongside another disconcerting report by The Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination Against Christians in Europe highlighting a worrying spike in anti-Christian hate crimes throughout the continent during 2022 – including physical assaults and even murder. Their research also highlights considerable underreporting prompted by inadequate media coverage and unintentional silencing amongst victims with an accompanied increase in laws regulating speech thereby curbing religious expression further.

In light of these findings, both reports urge for reinforced dialogue between governments, civil society and religious groups to uphold religious freedoms in this continually shifting landscape. Recommendations forwarded include boosting religious literacy among public officials for better understanding, ensuring fair representation of religious views in the media and encouraging Christians to actively partake and contribute with respect in public dialogues.

Make sure you are staying updated with real news from trusted sources that drill down deep into the issues of our interpretation through a Christian worldview. It’s key not just for comprehending these shifts but responding to them adequately as well. Through maintaining a strong focus on being well-informed as Christians, we can ensure we’re best equipped to navigate these challenging times.

Original article posted by Fox News

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