“Equity vs Equality: The Growing Trend of ‘Woke’ Christianity and its Impact on Traditional Faith Practices”

Published on March 15, 2024, 1:01 am

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The contemporary global focus on social justice is predominantly centered around the concept of “equity.” Simply put, equity is defined as equality of outcome, a deviation from traditional equality which implies equal treatment for all individuals. This twist in theoretical approach intends to assure everyone receives the necessary treatment for equivalent outcomes.

In the context of the social justice movement, this philosophical shift manifests in practices such as affirmative action, race-based incentives, and positive discrimination – actions that effectively disrupt the premise of universal equality. One could visualize this paradigm through the lens of wealth redistribution, largely viewed by Christian theology as synonymous with theft, as well as intersectionality – partiality according to biblical interpretation. From a Christian worldview, Equity’s anti-gospel identity invites outright rejection from Church.

Curiously though, numerous evangelicals are either purposefully or unwittingly endorsing this trend. Notable among them is Matt Chandler, a renowned progressive Southern Baptist mega-church pastor who openly admitted his preference to hire an “African American 7” over an “Anglo 8”, citing skin color as the sole determining factor.

The evangelical “woke” movement does not prioritize gospel; instead it concentrates on rectifying worldly issues – real or imagined – likely with a dual objective: aligning with contemporary culture and stimulating growth in their dwindling congregations.

These trends are observed across significant Southern Baptist entities ranging from seminaries to individual churches and even various missions boards; state conventions follow closely behind. In what might be seen as an echo of Matt Chandler’s statement, Tennessee Baptists Mission Board (TBMB) justifies its hiring practice favoring African American candidates over potentially more qualified others in its pursuit to enhance ethnic, gender and vocational diversity within Boards and Committees as referenced on its website.

On examining TBMB’s “committee preferences for nominations”, one can see that candidates are preferred based on skin color and sex – a policy direction at odds with biblical teachings that advocate for impartiality. However, it’s questionable whether such mandating bodies truly value biblical guidelines in the first place.

In the light of this shifting sphere of “trusted news,” gasoline is added to the fires of ongoing debates around sexual permissiveness. Prominent media and entertainment conglomerate Disney is seen as an incubator for pushing liberal ideologies. Furthermore, twists within Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) politics only add to existing ambiguities and discontent amidst real news followers.

Navigating through this complex web, where religious principles clash with societal shifts, prompts Christians globally to reevaluate their standpoints and reexamine their faith in more contemporary contexts. As “real news” continues to evolve rapidly along these diverse ideological spectrums, it emphasizes the urgent need for Christians worldwide to reconcile their beliefs with modern social narratives.

Original article posted by Fox News

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