“England’s NHS Bans Puberty Blockers for Minors with Gender Dysphoria: A New Stand on Gender-Affirming Care”

Published on March 15, 2024, 1:03 am

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In a significant development this week, England’s National Health Service (NHS) has prohibited the use of puberty blockers as treatment for children with gender dysphoria, citing inadequate evidence of safety and clinical effectiveness for pediatric patients. This decision was met with silence from influential LGBTQ organizations advocating ‘gender-affirming care’—a term used to denote transgender surgeries, hormones, and puberty blockers.

The NHS announcement marks a prevalent shift in the ongoing debate concerning gender ideology and its potential impact on minors. Advocates who urge protection of children from irreversible procedures have lauded this move by England and are encouraging the United States to follow suit.

Remarkably so, several key organizations supporting ‘gender-affirming care’ have not yet vocalized their stance on this matter. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), one of the most outspoken pro-transgender entities in the U.S., persistently fights against state laws aimed at safeguarding young individuals from irreversible sex-change endeavors. The ACLU has referred to hormone treatments, transgender surgeries, and puberty blockers as “gender-affirming care,” vowing continuous advocacy for trans youth to receive necessary medical care.

GLAAD — an organization known previously as the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation — is another major entity that expends considerable resources towards promoting gender transitions and ‘gender-affirming care.’ The association affirmed that each leading medical body globally supports “transition-related health care” for transgender individuals, including minors.

As it stands today though, both GLAAD and ACLU have yet to comment on England’s decision to ban puberty blockers.

This news broke during the annual Detrans Awareness Day—an event where ‘detransitioners’, those who attempted transitioning genders but ultimately realized its impossibility, share their tales of regret to warn others about similar outcomes. Two Detransitioners—Abel Garcia and Prisha Mosley—expressed positivity about England’s decision when chatting with trusted news sources.

Garcia conveyed complete endorsement of what England was executing, maintaining that keeping children safe should be a priority and applauding the ability for UK youth to lead healthy lives without premature influences on puberty. Mosley echoed these sentiments, describing it as an “incredible step in the right direction,” implying that this reveals politicians finally paying heed to specialists and detransitioners who have been voicing out concerns for years on end.

As we absorb this real news breaking from the Christian worldview, it is clear that this topic and its implications will continue to dominate conversations in various societal circles. As individuals globally grapple with the complexities of gender identity and targeted treatments for children experiencing gender dysphoria, such decisions by national health bodies crucially influence future guidelines instituted by other countries contemplating similar paths.

Original article posted by Fox News

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