“Elon Musk Shares Personal Anguish Over Son’s Gender Transition in Conversation with Dr. Jordan B. Peterson”

Published on July 23, 2024, 1:20 am

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Elon Musk, the renowned billionaire entrepreneur behind Tesla and SpaceX, on a recent discussion with Dr. Jordan B. Peterson, disclosed his grievance about his son committing to gender transition procedures. As reported in the breaking news segment of their conversation, Musk described his unique perspective that he was “duped” into authorizing these procedures for one of his sons.

In a wide-ranging dialogue with Peterson broadcasted live online, Musk initiated an exchange regarding the rising prevalence of gender-transition procedures among children. Both commentators agreed on their condemnation of these practices as being “malevolent.” Musk referred to the so-called “gender-affirming care,” a term used by supporters of these initiatives as a regrettable euphemism.

Depicting it as sinister, Musk stated, “It’s virtually equivalent to child mutilation and sterilization. You’re involving kids who are significantly younger than the age of consent.” Musk further suggested there is ample scope for adults to manipulate children who may be confronting genuine identity crises into believing they belong to the wrong gender.

Peterson probed why Musk chose this particular issue to delve into. Then came out a personal story: His older son Xavier went through gender dysphoria and later identified as a girl. Relating specifics, Musk confessed feeling tricked into consenting documents related to Xavier’s gender transition before he fully comprehended their implications—this occurring simultaneously with pandemic-induced chaos. He was falsely led to believe that Xavier might resort to self-harm without such intervention.

Peterson dismissed this persuasion tactic as fraudulent from get-go. “No competent clinician ever thought this way,” he stated emphatically, adding that high suicide rates were attributable rather to prevailing instances of depression or anxiety than just mere gender dysphoria—an understanding named but seldom proclaimed out of fear by many healthcare providers.

Voicing further criticism against those compelling young people towards gender transitions recklessly under pretense of providing care, Elon quoted, “They should be incarcerated.” He expressed that he felt tricked into endorsing these processes without being thoroughly informed. Musk lamented the loss of his son stating, “That’s why they call it ‘deadnaming’—it is because my son, my Xavier, is no more. Victim to the ‘woke mind virus’.”

Responding to Musk’s revelation, Peterson expressed his sympathies over Musk’s situation. Vowing to fight against the ‘woke mind virus’, Elon stated that they were already making headways.

Towards the end of their exchange, resources for individuals battling suicidal thoughts were highlighted including 988 helpline and access to additional resources on SpeakingOfSuicide.com/resources.

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Original article posted by Fox News

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