“Echoing the Protestant Reformation: Contemporary Christians’ Stand against Progressive Ideology”

Published on September 2, 2024, 12:43 am

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In the era of the Protestant Reformation, the phrase “No Peace with Rome” resonated powerfully throughout Europe. This bold affirmation was made by those who refused to comply with the deceit and heresy rampant within the Roman Catholic Church. Every reformer was aware that aligning with an establishment deeply tainted with errors would signify a betrayal of the gospel itself. They stood resilient, resisting any false unity that mandated silence towards heresy.

Presently, Christians find themselves at a similar junction, faced with a contemporary “Rome” — not a church engulfed in medieval rites but an insidious force garbed as progressivism. Just as those reformers of old took their stand, today’s believers need to remain poised against the modern left forces seeming to wage war against God Himself. The left forces include everyone from prominent Roman Catholic politicians such as Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi, who exploit their faith for political gains, to progressive leftists masquerading as evangelical pastors like David Platt or Matt Chandler.

These progressives share an unholy creed — opposition to godliness and truth. As devoted followers of Christ we are called out from such company. The age-old choice stands before us again: compromise our faith for temporary peace or expose the rising tide of secular progressive ideology infiltrating our churches?

The left’s narrative champions unity while blatantly negating all Christian values integral for societal stability and spiritual growth. Their hypocrisy is evident in every instance where zealous condemnation magically springs forth when it suits their agenda – like school shootings or affairs concerning January 6th – but falls silent on pertinent moral issues undermining humanity’s sanctity like abortion.

False prophets donned in sheep’s clothing preach unity while perpetuating division using buzzwords like “Nazis,” “white supremacists,” “anti-choice” as weapons in their narrative warfare against conservatism and Christian morality.

This relentless indoctrination seeks to obscure biblical truth and principles of limited government decorated under the guise of progressivity. The enemy seeks to redefine what’s evil as good, darkness as light, true followers of Christ as villains in their distorted depiction of modern society.

In light of such distressing realities, Christians are called to make a firm stand against this onslaught of wickedness echoing the rallying cry expressed during the Protestant era: No peace with Rome—no peace with progressives.

Therefore, celebration or surrender will never be an option for those genuinely committed to preserving and perpetuating the real news aligned with a Christian worldview. Every believer is trusted to not yield under pressure but draw strength from their faith heritage remembering that there can’t be any compromise in this spiritual warfare.

Original article posted by Fox News

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