“Drawing Parallels: The Reformation and Today’s Challenge to Christian Values by Progressives”

Published on August 25, 2024, 12:30 am

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During the Protestant Reformation, reformers challenged the corruption within the Roman Catholic Church at great risk to themselves. Their rallying cry was “No Peace with Rome,” eschewing any compromise that would deem them complicit in heresy or corruption. This boldness has found a parallel in our present time, where Christians find themselves at a similar pivotal moment, faced with an insidious force clothed in the appeal of progressivism.

Believe it or not, there are figures like Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi who use their faith as a political leverage; on the other hand, several individuals pass off as evangelical leaders while purveying left-aligned philosophies. In today’s times, these entities have assumed a role somewhat akin to papal counterparts from centuries ago.

Our current setting propels them to impose ideologies that oppose various Christian tenets. Some have even gone far enough to label refusal to contribute towards unity with them as “political idolatry.” Figures such as David Platt argue that churches shouldn’t be divided over political beliefs.

However, matters including abortion rights, homosexuality perspectives and CRT don’t merely touch upon politics – they delve into moral concerns meriting biblical correction. Thus posing a stark contrast between platforms based on values and those rooted primarily in political affiliation.

The modern progressive movement can be seen as adopting an anti-God stance much like certain institutions did during the Reformation era. These similarities drive followers of Christ against aligning with parties endorsing such attitudes while reminding us there can be no peace for believers under conditions endorsing blasphemy.

A common trend among pastors with ties to progressive causes is their swift condemnation of any acts of violence that fit into their customized narratives. Such actions are immediately disqualified if they don’t serve their agenda. Their selective outcry extends even further: many choose not to react when innocents are trapped in dangerous situations.

Their hypocrisy is all too apparent—selective outcry often comes across as nothing more than hollow rhetoric. The ideologies endorsed by these figures are not merely misleading but can have a corrosive influence, chipping away at the core principles upheld by God and His Church.

Subtle attempts to create discord within Christian communities have become commonplace as disorder is subtly tied into calls for peace. Under this agenda, Christian values are warped into adversaries deserving punishment; supporters of truth and justice are demonized as the enemy.

Such manipulations serve a clear purpose: to label those who hold steadfast in their beliefs as beings that must be feared. This twisted narrative portrays the light of good as encompassing evil and equates darkness with what should ideally enlighten us. Yet, we are told to seek unity with proponents of such insidious schemes.

However, standing firm against this wave of ungodliness must be embraced just as reformers refused to make peace with Rome – Christians today should say “No Peace with Progressives.” No compromise can surface out of falsehoods; no white flag raised over unbiblical stances.

In an era of sensationalized headlines and questionable sources, news consumers need trusted news grounded in the Christian worldview. Being cognizant about real news is more important than ever before – remaining resilient and committed to upholding truths in our swiftly shifting tradition.

Original article posted by Fox News

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