“Drag Queens in Churches: Progressive Culture or Blasphemous Trend?”

Published on November 29, 2023, 1:10 am

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The apostolic teachings of Paul in 2 Timothy 4:3 warned about a time when individuals would reject sound doctrine, drawn towards whatever provides them pleasure, even in a world rife with anti-god sentiments and hatred. What is more defiant to the holy and righteous God than denying one’s innate identity created by him and embracing the fabrications of cross-dressing or pretending to be someone of an opposite sex?

We anticipate that societies will behave this way—the scriptures contain instances where communities succumb to sexual anarchy as part of the judgment against their sins. By nature, sexual anarchy sits among the rare sins where the punishment is the sin itself. This behavior causes human destruction and it insults the God we serve; hence our opposition, exposure, and appeal for repentance.

Drag Queens have seemingly become a regular feature in progressive churches including United Methodist Churches, PCUSA churches, and Evangelical Lutheran churches. However, these are not churches — they represent synagogues of Satan. Yet Baptist “churches” rarely tread into the progressive domain characterized by pseudo-religious occultism underpinned by sexual entertainment. But this could change soon.

A particular “Baptist” “church,” namely Grace Baptist Church of Richmond is set to host such controversial activities next Saturday to entertain its congregation which is just adding fuel to the fire within our Creator’s nostrils. This disgraceful venue aligns with the progressive Alliance of Baptists.

The “church” has extended an invitation to Flamy Grant, a drag queen associate of former Caedmon’s Call band member, Derek Webb. The duo made headlines at Dove Awards when they dressed up in women’s clothes and shared bizarre images on social media.

Today’s so-called “churches” have devolved into nothing less than satanic synagogues. Replacing gospel with lurid shows signifies gross abandonment of faith leading these Houses of Worship to shape into agents favoring destruction due to their dearth of faith.

The inclusion of sexual performers into their pulpits goes beyond mere entertainment or fun — it signifies outright blasphemy and a transparent sign of divine judgment. However, the real issue lies in the muted response from numerous religious leaders whose silence indirectly ratifies such sacrilege, desecrating Christ’s name. This indifference penetrating through the genuine Church is a sorrowful testament to our time’s spiritual decline.

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Original article posted by Fox News

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